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User offline. Last seen 16 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello everyone

Just wanted to know if it's thought to implement some background-music in future...

Because if I find some time, I could create some pieces of music for hedgewars...

If yes, it might be useful to know what style of music we could merge into this game...

just an idea that might push the game up...


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Ability for background music is already implemented. If you place some .ogg music files into Data/Music folder and recompile the game, those files will be randomly played during rounds. We just don't have any music files.

User offline. Last seen 16 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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okay, will think about creating some stuff and then submit it...

are these theme-based? think this would be nice...


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It's easy to make them theme-dependent

User offline. Last seen 16 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Yes, I think that not all the music-types will fit to any of the themes... So this would be the best


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I'm also coordinating some music production, perhaps you should talk to me about the music you're producing. The themes are also my creation so it might help in that regard.
Talk to me on the hedgewars IRC channel, or #gwpickup

User offline. Last seen 10 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello. I'm 22 years old, nick "Cz0rny".
I could create some music for Hedgewars too, of course totally free Wink Smiley.
Music I made is electronic with low temp (about 80 - 110 bpm).
If it will be possible, then I can send some stuff, to an e-mail or something...

I haven't got an Internet connection in home yet. I write in school, so sorry for ewentually time-delays.
I will post again, at 100%. Just not known a time...


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How about uploading some samples at some file host, e.g., then PMing the download URL to anyone in the team for review?

There's absolutely nothing speaking against including your original tracks as long as you hold the copyright/distribution rights and allow us to include it with all copies of the game (it has to be good/matching as well but I think that's something you know anyway).

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