:/I got worms 1 a few weeks ago, and I thought you could make hedgewars better by adding these things:
1. Animations: Even when idle, worms are animated, and unlike Hedgewars 0.9.4, they sometimes ate dirt, look at you and make a silly face, etc. Of course, hedgehogs don't eat dirt, but it would be cool if they had eye movement, practice some karate moves, and of course, roll up into a ball and sleep (and maybe make a snoring sound).
2. Explosions! Hedgewars doesn't have any explosions, only smoke.
3. Super Weapons: Something like a super sheep, a hedge grenade (holy grenade), sheep, and a huge 5000 ton weight (concrete donkey), and a homing strike.
4. Voices: I really need a squad off angry Scottish hedgehog...
5. Dud mines and booby trapped crates.
My own suggestions:
Rotten Apple- works like a mine, only it is a cluster weapon.
Flat Mines- just like mines, only weaker, blow up immediately, and visible only to you.
Poison Dart- Fire at an enemy, and he gets -5 after each turn (unless he gets a non-poisened medical crate). If you hit a medical crate, it becomes poisoned, and a lucky hedgehog who gets it also gets a nasty -15, and -5 every turn (unless he gets a non-poisened medical crate).
Bomb- like the airstrike, it is dropped from a plane. Unlike an airstrike, it is a single bomb, and is even better than a dynamite.
Cluster Strike- just like the bomb (look above), only much weaker, and is a cluster weapon.
Self Destruct- kills your hedgehog, who blows up. The explosion doesn't do that much damage, but it makes a HUGE hole (bigger than anything else).
Time Bomb- Timed for 5 seconds, makes a big hole, and sends hedgehog flying in every direction farther than anything else.
RDE- or you can make it simpler: works just like a dynamite, only weaker, and instead of being timed, it is detonated on the second press of space.
Rolling Apple- a very silly weapon: you drop it, it starts rolling in the way you dropped it, until it can't go any further (it can't go uphill for too long), hits a hedgehog (on which it splatters all over the him, but only 5 damage), or falls off. The trick is that all enemy hedgehogs go crazy and chase the apple to their doom.
Infinity Time- after 90 time, there should be an infinity sign. I really like to take my time in singleplayer or playing against a friend on the same computer.
Game Options- set the chance of a crate, and the likeliness of what weapon it has, and lots of other things like duds, traps and weapon strength.
Thank you, tell me what you think
Added after 7 minuts 16 seconds:
Oh and I forgot something very important- smart crates. I hate it when I set rope (or anything else) to infinity, and yet crates still drop them down, and don't give anything useful as a result.
Added after 8 minuts 44 seconds:
'added after 7 minuts' The word 'minuts' is misspelled. Minuets.
I think that good think will be support for:
- custom sounds for teams,
- folder for music (we can upload there mp3/ogg)
- other graphics like graves etc. (customized, easily added)
New things:
- actually we cannot delete a team (like default and any other)
- the same with weapons settings
- autoupdate of game - checking new version, showing changes etc.
- downloading maps, forts etc. from other players
- support for automatically installing packs of addons - something like skins for winamp etc. in new format, we just click and new sounds, or maps would install automatically
- add barrels (with flame)
- maybe a physics ?
- some weapons don't have sounds, add it
- add sudden death, hp to 1, or flood
- add hedge-melting pot (like in WWP or Worms 4 Mayhem)
- add special team weapon,
- add weapon creator
- add replays,
- add slowmotion in better hits,
- add blood
- custom flag, add flag
Worms 4 Mayhem things:
- teleporters
- mine factory
- boxes settings
- game styles (preferences, time etc.)
- different game modes
Change hedge looks :
- head, glove, eyes, face
Add debug mode! sometimes game crashes and I cannot give you log, because game do not create any! :/
Why do you want blood? :O
There is already a debug file in %USERPROFILE%/.hedgewars, it's called debug0.txt.
I think anyway this are good things, but they haven't a high priority for implementation imho and..wasn't there already a music folder for ogg files (share/hedgewars/Data/Music)?
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
NO BLOOD!!!!!!!!
blood as option and choose blood colour - red, green or sth
add more animations like back salto or sth
different colours of hedges for different teams,
add info about hedge to wiki !
i tried to add to "H" but someone deleted it...
What about in-game music player ?
Maybe something innovative like mutators ? - small scripts that change sth like gravity and other parameters do you know it from Unreal tournament ?
(Or mods menu ?)
Campaings, achievements (like in Team Fortress 2 or sth ), unlocking new weapons through campaign,
Weapon shop, (like in Worms Mayhem)
Create a nice chat window, white colours something is invisible, if there will be a black colour beind it would be better.
We need to make this game more popular, community around this game is small, there are not so much maps or sth we have only a few.
The reason :
Already requested here :
Songbird : Play the web !
French translator of Hedgewars
message about what was in the box should be shown for us (when enemy picked a box)
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
curiosity, and it was implemented in worms
- add more effect sounds - for airstrike, picking up the box etc,
- speech sounds
- fanfares...
- maybe (if possible) support for compatibily with sound banks and mission with WWP ?
- flags
- graves
- settings for items in boxes, health drop, utility drop, weapon drop (3 types of boxes) + options ON/OFF
- different water colours
- water rise speed
- possibility to drop item from the rope, and rope retreat time
- tournament mode on - wins required
- round time
- fall damage on/off
- option - random time of blowing up of mines +/- dud mines
- artillery mode (hedges shot but cannot move
- no magazine
- addons: fast movement, low gravity, lasersight, jetpack, double damage
- sudden death options/modes and time...
- precise shooting (with shift)
Please add random starting team (not always this one which is added first)
when someone join to the game or write sth in chat there should be sound or windows should be focused
Random starting Team and the time when crates are dropped should be randomized, t oo.
Now they're always dropped after the last team has made its turn. Sometimes it's a bit strange...
As well, the time after a bomb is placed until the next player's turn is up should be changeable in the game start settings. Is this difficult to implement?
thx and see you
no music volume option
no sound volume option
add it!
and shortcut e.g. 'm' for mute during the game!
You may use 9 and 0 to modify volume during gameplay. Other options will be available in future releases.
A suggestion from me: allow the hedgehogs to have longer names! As simple as that. Team names too. The next version had better allow my team to be called the Wicked Sensitive Crew, otherwise I'm sacking it off.