New weapon: RDE (Remotely Detonated Explosive)

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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After playing Hedgewars for a while, I felt that the game lacked one thing: a bomb which could be remotely detonated at command.

The basic idea

The idea is simple: you drop a RDE (Remotely Detonated Explosive), the next turn you can forget about it and continue fighting or drop another one (unless your ammo limit is one), and so on.

How it works

Each of your hedgehogs has a limit of 5 RDEs. This means that the certain hedgehog could have only 5 RDEs placed at a time. You see, each Hedgehog 'owns' the RDEs that he placed (which will be described a bit more detailed in the 'Labels' section). However, if you have detonated one of your RDEs (how detonation works will be described in the 'Detonation' section), than your hedgehog will be able to place a new one.


Every time your hedgehog places an RDE, a label appears above it. For example, if a hedgehog named hedgehog_a drops an RDE, a label appears, saying 'hedgehog_a-1', and if the same hedgehog drops another RDE, over it the label say 'hedgehog_a-2. If hedgehog_a detonates the RDE 'hedgehog_a-1', than 'hedgehog_a-2' automatically becomes hedgehog_a-1'. If a hedghog named hedghog_b places another RDE, than the label would be 'hedgehog_b-1', regardelss of the RDE 'hedgehog_a-1'. The reason labels are important will be covered in the 'Detonation' section.
(Note: RDE labels are only visible by you).


There are four types RDE modes: Detonate, Detonate all personal, Detonate all, and Place. The Detonate mode allows you to blow up a single RDE that the current hedgehog placed, and is selected by keystrokes 1-5. If you, playing as hedgehog_a, press 1, than the RDE with the label of 'hedgehog_a-1', and if you press 2, than you will select the 'hedgehog_a-2'. After pressing space, the RDE will detonate.
(Note: It would be nice to have the camera to center upon the selected RDE, and highlight the label.) The Detonate all personal will detonate (after pressing space) all the RDEs that the selected hedghog has placed. Detonate all will detonate all the RDEs (after pressing space) that your team of hedgehogs has placed.


RDEs are not visible by AI. RDEs do up to 80 damage. RDEs do not slide down slopes.

Thank you, let me no what you think! Wink Smiley

daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
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One question. If you place the RDE the turn continues or stops?Because, if in a turn you place an RDE and then the turn finish, another player (not the AI) can guess where it is and avoid it IMHO.

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

unC0Rr's picture
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Nice description Smile It's interestiong suggestion, we will think of it. On more question: are RDEs visible to other teams?

harmless911's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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One question. If you place the RDE the turn continues or stops?Because, if in a turn you place an RDE and then the turn finish, another player (not the AI) can guess where it is and avoid it IMHO.

That's a good question that I asked a lot to myself. I believe it would be best to continue the turn, but limit what you can do. (Example: no powerful weapons like buzzuka and dynamite, but be allowed to use rope, construction, blow torch, etc.)

Nice description smile It's interestiong suggestion, we will think of it. On more question: are RDEs visible to other teams?

No, they are invisible, and the whole point of them is to unexpectedly blow them up where your opponent least expects it.

Thanks for your time, feel free to change any of my ideas, and I'm glad to join your community!

Josh's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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It's a brilliant idea, but seems slightly more complicated
It should take up your turn, and you have to detonate it that turn, just for the sake of simplicity. Wink Smiley

Uriah's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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I agree with Josh,

It's too complex and contrived, messing around with labels and so on is just going to be confusing, some people still find it difficult just to shoot the bazooka

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