Hedgewars KnowledgeBase updates

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sheepluva's picture
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This thread is for posting changes made to our wiki engine that renders the Hedgewars KnowledgeBase, so that people interested in those changes can find out about them here.

So yeah, this thread is for Wuzzy :P

Recent changes:

  • single-item list should work - not sure if that will cause confusion with bold-text tokens, because they use the * character as well. Let me know if you see any weirdnesses.
  • links to non-existing wiki pages will now just be a "?"-link after the link label

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h3oCharles's picture
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I would like to edit the table at http://hedgewars.org/kb/Taunts

Boring.ogg - Used when... - ... an opposing team is skipping their turn with Skip
Coward.ogg - Used when... - ... an opposing team ended their turn without using Skip
Flawless.ogg - Used when... - ... a team won without any damage taken
Laugh.ogg - Used when... - ... a hedgehog places a dynamite or a mine (intended to be an evil laughter). -- misspelled intended
Youllregretthat.ogg - Used when... - ... an enemy team attacked your hedgehog, but not killed

Also, a suggestion, add every single entry for each weapon and maybe for every official scheme?

oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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Thanks, I edited the page. Maybe you should ask sheepluva in IRC if you want to edit more. Currently, only very few people are even allowed to edit the HWKB. Sad Smiley

The HWKB is not intended for gameplay-related information, it is devloper-centric (especially Lua) and rather technical. There are also some installation instructions and reference information for artists (themes, voicepacks, etc.) but that's it.

The “normal” Wiki (http://hedgewars.org/wiki.html) is for gameplay-related stuff, it also contains information about weapons, but it is pretty bad and outdated and really needs to be replaced sooner or later.

However, there is an unofficial Hedgewars wiki at:

Everyone is invited to register an account there.

Currntly, the wiki does not have an awful lot of pages, mostly I wrote texts about the styles (scripts) and some configuration stuff. Not a single page about weapons has been written so far.

Also, I am not sure about the server stability or if it will stay up for very long or will just suddenly disappear. Talk to nexia or Wohlstand if you are unsure.

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h3oCharles's picture
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Again, with the table on http://hedgewars.org/kb/Taunts :/

Justyouwait.ogg - Transcription of Default voicepack - "You're gonna pay for that!"

oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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Funny. I see this file in the source code repository but it is not copied when I do the “make install” command. Also Justyouwait.ogg is not part of the Arch Linux package.

Maybe this file has been forgotten in the installer scripts?

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sheepluva's picture
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Nice catch!

Justyouwait.ogg wasn't installed on case-sensitive systems, due to a case typo in the CMakeLists.

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sheepluva's picture
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Let's see if this works: Taunts


also: Main Page

[wiki]Main Page[/wiki]

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sheepluva's picture
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Change to HWKB engine:

Page name is now always prefixed to the commit message in order to make the list of KB changes easier to understand

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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