Hot to submit a translation update?

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GunChleoc's picture
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I can't remember the procedure to submit translations. What would be the most convenient process for you? I can supply a diff that could be applied to the HG repository, make a pull request on Github, or send somebody a file...

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Wuzzy's picture
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I suggest to register an account on and file a feature request there and upload all the relevant files there.
Patches or diffs will be happily accepted, I guess.

Don't use GitHub. The Git repository is only a mirror of the original repository, which is based on Mercurial. So all pull requests are likely to be ignored.

Make sure you didn't forget anything and read this:

You may alternatively talk to the developers in IRC. irc://

Please note that the translation will very likely to become outdated before the next Hedgewars release. Shortly before a Hedgewars release, you should expect that the strings have been changed again, so you need to update your translations again if you don't want a Hedgewars release with an incomplete translation.

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Please note that the translation will very likely to become outdated before the next Hedgewars release. Shortly before a Hedgewars release, you should expect that the strings have been changed again(...)

Wuzzy, that's good you mentioned changes of strings before a new Hedgewars release. How does it work, I mean - do you add new strings to translated files as well, but in english? I'm currently working on Polish translation update and I see that for example "pl.txt" file is missing a few lines.

Also, do you alert translators some time before new release to update translations?

ps. where should I search for strings shown as tips in Schemes Editor? I was only able to find tips for these icons on the left. But tips shown when I have my mouse over one of the options on the right - I have no idea where they are. I didn't find them in any of .ts or .txt files - but maybe I overlooked something. / GG: 3747253

nemo's picture
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Hey alzen, sorry for missing your response on chat. It was really late at the time.

So, the .lua file does have commented out english lines. The .txt files do not. We probably should put in english ones commented out for the sections where it is appropriate though. For now, this is what is missing in pl.txt
00:58 01:25 03:58 04:58

I'm not certain what you mean about mouse over tips for the items on the right. I don't think we have any? Certainly don't see any when I mouse over those items. We probably should, although the names are fairly descriptive at least.

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Thank you for your answer, nemo.

The text I was asking about - for example, when you edit a scheme; place a mouse pointer over words "Crate Drops"(in the right column) and you will see a description:

"Likelihood of a crate dropping before a turn" - this is the text I'm looking for to edit but I cannot find it anywhere. / GG: 3747253

nemo's picture
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Ah... It seems they were recently added to the game and the translation files were not yet updated.

I updated the files.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Nemo, I've done some changes in this file recently, so I will just ask you for update after I'm done. Sorry about that but I do not want to lose what I had already done. Will contact you during weekend I guess.

Hope that's not a problem. / GG: 3747253

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