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Dat_Boi's picture
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I was flipping through the flags making my team when i noticed the communities (duck, huzzah, etc.) I was wondering: do you join them or do average hedgewars games like me make them? Anyway, i decided to make one within the website Big Grin! give your idea for the name and tell me if you are joining!

Oh man waddup

Dat_Boi's picture
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Here are my ideas:
Dem bois
Dose bois
Da bois
Godzilla Community
Epic community
So thats just me Big Grin

Oh man waddup

KoBeWi's picture
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I think the flags marked as "community" are supposed to differ from real country flags. They aren't there to mark any community, they are just fictional flags with anything.

Dat_Boi's picture
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

I think the flags marked as "community" are supposed to differ from real country flags. They aren't there to mark any community, they are just fictional flags with anything.

Oh... well, I guess I'll make the first official community within the website! Big Grin

Oh man waddup

nemo's picture
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We've had people form clans from time to time. I think picking same flag was something they sometimes did.

There's no official clan-oriented stats or anything.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Dat_Boi's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

We've had people form clans from time to time. I think picking same flag was something they sometimes did.

There's no official clan-oriented stats or anything.

Oh... well...

Oh man waddup

sheepluva's picture
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Yep. There was e.g. "Awesome People", "The Rope Brothers" and so some others who's names I don't quite remember.

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Wuzzy's picture
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It's true, many flags now in Hedgewars actually came from the community. But this applies to all flags (including country flags).
Community members like to post flags into the flags thread, and a couple of flags posted in this thread were included into Hedgewars in the past:

Here's a flag pack where I collected almost all not-included-into-Hedgewars flags from the above thread (except mine):

However, I think the term “Community” for referring to flags is somewhat a relic of the past which has for some reason survived until today. This term is more used to seperate non-country flags from country flags rather than denoting actual community involvement.

Technically, the so-called “Community” flags are the flags where the file name starts with “cm_”.

The rule of thumb is, that there are currently 3 ways to categorize the flags:
* The default flag (“hedgewars.png”)
* “Community” flags (“cm_*”)
* Country flags (basically everything else)

Sadly, we currently have 1 flag which violates this rule-of-thum, namely esperanto.png (Esperanto is a language, not a country). I guess this has been done by mistake.

I think nowadays the term “Community flag” is kind of a misnomer but I don't know a better name.

PS: If you want to draw your own flags, you can read a very short how-to here:

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Dat_Boi's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

It's true, many flags now in Hedgewars actually came from the community. But this applies to all flags (including country flags).
Community members like to post flags into the flags thread, and a couple of flags posted in this thread were included into Hedgewars in the past:

Here's a flag pack where I collected almost all not-included-into-Hedgewars flags from the above thread (except mine):

However, I think the term “Community” for referring to flags is somewhat a relic of the past which has for some reason survived until today. This term is more used to seperate non-country flags from country flags rather than denoting actual community involvement.

Technically, the so-called “Community” flags are the flags where the file name starts with “cm_”.

The rule of thumb is, that there are currently 3 ways to categorize the flags:
* The default flag (“hedgewars.png”)
* “Community” flags (“cm_*”)
* Country flags (basically everything else)

Sadly, we currently have 1 flag which violates this rule-of-thum, namely esperanto.png (Esperanto is a language, not a country). I guess this has been done by mistake.

I think nowadays the term “Community flag” is kind of a misnomer but I don't know a better name.

PS: If you want to draw your own flags, you can read a very short how-to here:

Thanks! Big Grin

Oh man waddup

KoBeWi's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I think nowadays the term “Community flag” is kind of a misnomer but I don't know a better name.

"Fictional flag" ?

Or the opposite - group the country flags into "Real flags" or just "Country flags", since there's a limited number of them. Custom flags number can expand potentially infinitely, so it makes sense to not pack them into a group, which is much bigger than half of all flags.

Dat_Boi's picture
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I think nowadays the term “Community flag” is kind of a misnomer but I don't know a better name.

"Fictional flag" ?

Or the opposite - group the country flags into "Real flags" or just "Country flags", since there's a limited number of them. Custom flags number can expand potentially infinitely, so it makes sense to not pack them into a group, which is much bigger than half of all flags.

Ok, I don't know WHAT to think now...

Oh man waddup

UltiMaxKom's picture
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I think :
I want to make a Community Using Flag,,,
A Idea for making Hedgewars Online Player Community Group,,, or isn't ???

Hmmm,,, I Could make a topic to discuss my Community Big Grin ...
Maybe we could make our own Community within hedgewars for Fun !!!
Regardless the Definition of those flags,,, a Community can be grouped using Flags,,, for me ;-

Hfff,,, I Make,,, Demon Community !!! bah ! bad idea Ulti, Bad Idea naming like that ;/
Hoggie Community ?
00H Community ??
Little Freaking Fire Community ???
or instead,,,
My Ponyville Community ????



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