Wiki: Weapons manual FINALLY finished (sorta)

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Wuzzy's picture
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Hello, everybody!
The Hedgewars Wiki has seen some love recently and the weapons manual is finally finished (more or less).
It is probably still riddled with millions of typos but I think it's at least complete content-wise, meaning that every weapon now has its own page. Previously, many pages were mission or completely broken.

I added the mission pages and also updated or fixed the property section for each weapon (damage, crate type, timer, bounciness, etc.).

Check out the new and revised weapons manual here:
Weapons manual

Other new or revised wiki pages:

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mikade's picture
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Nice work.

Hedgewars Developer

KoBeWi's picture
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Piano page says it's never affected by wind, but I think it is, when you set the Super Wind (or whatever it is called) option on.

Wuzzy's picture
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Yes, you're right. But in this mode the effect is very small.

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