Xbox 360 controller issue

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Sir LoLz
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I recently got a laptop for the first time in my life. it has and HDMI out. So I want to plug it into my tv and use a 360 controller to play.

I got a program that maps xbox buttons to keyboard keys because it seemed more reliable. all the maps work swell. However the left analog stick is always inverted both up/down and left/right. nothing I do seems to fix it.

then I turned off the software and found that this was still the case, the left stick was still inverted, however I know it's not the Key mapper because none of the other keys I mapped did anything. besides the left stick. I never remapped the keys from inside Hedgewars though.

Does Hedgewars auto use controllers if they are plugged in? because if so only the left stick "works". and I would rather shut off the support completely so I can use the working map I set with the 3rd party software

thakns much

sphrix's picture
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i'm pretty sure hedgewars doesnt use the controller unless you tell it to do it ;

there is in the settings the possibility to use the controllers button to play hedgewars, try some stuff there

another solution might be in your remapper soft, to inverse the axes for the left stick,
if your software doesnt allow it, try with autohotkey, it is a keyremapper (and a lot of other things) too.

edit : i had a post about playing hedgewars with a controller, remapped with autohotkey :

i dont really play with controller and some adjustemnt might be needed... if it helps you Wink Smiley

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