New taunts in 0.9.25-dev

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Wuzzy's picture
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I have recently added support for a couple of more taunts in Hedgewars 0.9.25-dev, for more silly spoken words by the hedgehogs! Smile This is something which should have been done much earlier, but here we go! Big Grin

There are new taunts for: Good/great turns, close crate drops, self-harm, attack, grenade warning, variants for existing taunts.

New taunts will be supported for the following voicepacks:
Default, Default_uk, British, Classic, Robot, Surfer, Mobster, Pirate, Russian, Singer

See here for a list of files (see “List of new taunt files”):

Of course, existing voicepacks will still work (fallback options are provided).

I will probably add support for the Revenge, Cutitout and Leavemealone taunts soon.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
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So you totally ignored my suggestion and introduced even more random taunt names?

Wuzzy's picture
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Well, yeah.

I explained why the files will not be renamed.

All taunts are documented here:
I tried to go in detail as good as possible.

The reason I did this was because we had many good taunts lying around in the repository and I thought it was time to add them, I always thought it was a shame that those go to waste. XD

Also, it would be much more work to rename a lot of files, variables, etc. Backwards-compability still means work that somebody has to do. And that somebody is probably not me.

I think of the taunts also not as totally predictable and unchangable but more as general ideas. In the past a few taunts have changed their meaning slightly.

Even with your suggested name changes they still need to be explained and properly defined.

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KoBeWi's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Even with your suggested name changes they still need to be explained and properly defined.
Still better than having few different-named taunts that basically do the same. It's just confusing. But well, whatever.

Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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New taunts:

  • Revenge: Plays when a hog attacked back an enemy who attacked them before
  • Cutitout, Leavemealone: When a hog got attacked repeatedly
  • Ouch: For a particulary painful hit (>=55 damage) from fall damage, a punch, bullet, cleaver or hammer

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