Google Summer of Code 2011 - Ideas List

Hedgewars @ Google Summer of Code portal:

Here you can find a growing list of ideas that we think students would enjoy coding and that would make a great addition to the game.

Here is the list of ideas with description and some details on difficulty, people you should bug on IRC for more information, some non-compulsory skills and what impact it would make. The idea description is just to give you a taste of the work: we'd rather have the student application concentrate on telling us *how* they'll solve the thing, more than convincing us they figured out what the idea is about.

  1. iOS netplay

    do you feel brave enough to implement the last major feature missing from the ios port? Let's implement the network stack for this version and let's play with thousands of devices around the world.

    Skills: fpc/objc, ios framework, networking
    Difficulty: easy
    People to bug: koda
    Impact: increased popularity and fun on iOS version

  2. Construction

    we have random maps, static maps and hand drawn maps to play with already, but what about creating the map during the game and react to the other teams constructions. More details here: .

    Skills: fpc
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: henek, mikade
    Impact: interactive map creation requiring tactics

  3. Android port

    as demostrated by the iOS port, Hedgewars engine is very well suited for a mobile environment! Freepascal is very portable, as well as OpenGL and SDL. All it lacks is a nice Java frontend and some crosscompilation work...

    Skills: java/fpc, android
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: unc0rr, nemo, koda, sheepluva
    Impact: expands Hedgewars to an all new platform with new users

  4. Video output tool

    allow exporting a game save or demo in a standard video format! This would make it really easier for sharing nice replays; bonus points if you implement a Youtube uploader!

    Skills: c++, video coding
    Difficulty: easy
    People to bug: unc0rr, smaxx
    Impact: easier way to share replays and backward compatibility

  5. Frontend updates

    our c++ frontend is very modular but it is in need of some rework; we'd like to add crosscompilation facility, a graphical gui overhaul and a general refactoring.

    Skills: c++, qt
    Difficulty: easy
    People to bug: unc0rr, smaxx, koda, henek
    Impact: more polished user interface and less confusion

  6. Editors

    not every one playing and wanting to contribute to the game knows how two code or how the game works. Creating a mission editor with helpful features or a theme editor will allow many more to create content.

    Skills: c++/lua, qt
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: unc0rr, henek, mikade, smaxx
    Impact: easier creation of content and therefore more content

  7. New weapon or utility

    come up with a new weapon or utility to fill up our arsenal, or implement one that is requested by our fellow players. It is always fun to have a new and awesome weapon or smart utility to secure your victory!
    Our weapon suggestion thread: .

    Skills: fpc
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: anyone
    Impact: more variety of game play and tactics

  8. Input system

    we have some ideas that need exploring with esoteric keyboard layouts, on the fly gamepad, touchscreen/multitouch support... we need some abstraction levels

    Skills: fpc/objc
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: unc0rr, nemo, smaxx, koda
    Impact: improved controls for better gameplay experience

  9. More stereo 3D

    did you know that Hedgewars runs in stereo 3D (the one with the glasses)? Let's add more stereoscopic formats and autoswitch for 3D displays

    Skills: fpc, opengl
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: smaxx, koda
    Impact: stereo 3D is the fashion of tomorrow

  10. GL-ES 2 rendering / SDL-1.3 porting

    our rendering system is based on opengl and it is really portable and powerful. Yet embedded device are a little clunky with standard OpenGL calls... Let's make Hedgewars run at full power with a new renderer!

    Skills: fpc, opengl
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: nemo, koda, smaxx
    Impact: faster graphics on embedded devices, allows for webgl port

  11. Network sync

    since Hedgewars can be played across several platform we would like to have a way to keep the data folder synchronized, so that you can use you team and weapons on any platform on the fly.

    Skills: haskell/c++/objc, networking
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: unc0rr, koda
    Impact: making using many computers and phones easier

  12. Tablet drawn maps

    adapt the hand drawn maps to work with touch devices such as the iPad or an external tablet!

    Skills: c++/objc, ios framwork
    Difficulty: medium
    People to bug: unc0rr, nemo, koda
    Impact: making iOS version almost feature full

  13. Multiplayer resume

    currently when you are disconnected from the server you are also expelled from the game! This is annoying sometimes and you would like to be able to resume your game (if managed to reconnect in time)... help us implement this feature!

    Skills: c++/fpc, networking
    Difficulty: difficult
    People to bug: unc0rr, nemo
    Impact: removes a big irritation with struggling connections

  14. AI

    even though computers are stupid, there's always room for improvement! Let's teach AI teams how to properly use weapons so that single play can become as fun as network play!

    Skills: fpc, artificial intelligence
    Difficulty: difficult
    People to bug: unc0rr, nemo
    Impact: makes single player and campaign more interesting

  15. New game mode

    invent a new way in which hogs should play! For example you could implement planet mode: have you ever wanted to merge Hedgewars with Super Mario Galaxy (tm)?

    Skills: fpc, physics
    Difficulty: vary
    People to bug: anyone
    Impact: more variety in game play

  16. Bug janitor

    not fully conviced in any of the proposed task? Visit and help us squash down the list of current issues.

    Skills: c++/fpc
    Difficulty: vary
    People to bug: anyone
    Impact: more polished and game working as expected

  17. Insert your idea here

    ok, so you don't like any of our ideas at all? Submit your own! Tell us what you would like to do and we can help you in writing a nice application.

    Skills: vary
    Difficulty: vary
    People to bug: anyone
    Impact: vary

There is also plenty of threads in the forums with suggestions and ideas of things to add to the game that you can look through. Keep in mind though that they may not always be in nature with the game or not otherwise appropriate, so you will have to discuss them with us beforehand.

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