Reinforcement bars & German translation not complete + couple of suggestions
First I have to say that I am glad that I found about this great project! It is still rough on the edges but it is a very promising clone of one of the best games ever - Worms (2D, 3D sucks on my humble opinion).
But enough chit-chat Let's get straight to business
The following things I noticed in the latest release 0.9.8 (I haven't played earlier version, but I assume this things are to found there too):
I have a small gameplay suggestion that I think will most players who play multi and use this "weapon" find it problematic(like I did) - reinforcement bars. I usually like to use them, because they offer lot of strategic ways to make a blood salat out of any hedgehog.What I find annoying is that you can place your bar anywhere near a hedgehog. I tried a couple of times and it happened all the time - when I want to place a bar somewhere VERY far from my currently selected hedgehog, I can do it without a problem. By Worms Armageddon and later World Party there is an invisible radius around the selected worm beyond which you cannot place a bar.In single missions it doesn't really matter because the AI-controlled hedgehogs ain't that smart But when you play in multi with a friend it will be really dull if each of us has for example only one living hedgehog on the map, and each of them is on the opposite far side of the map, and one of us builds a couple of bars and makes it very difficult for the other to reach him. I'm not saying that this isn't a usual practice, but in Worms you have to be not far from your enemy to do that.
Another thing that I noticed in my German version (like the language, not that I am from Germany :P) is that there are some things that are not translated, and others are.
The so called Audio/Grafik Einstellungen (that is - Audio/Graphics options) have a couple of things that are translated:
-Aufloesung (that is - screen resolution)
-Vollbild (that is - fullscreen)
-FPS anzeigen (that is show FPS)
-Alternativen Shaden anzeigen (that is - show alternative damage, I am not so sure what that is, but I'll play a little bit and see ).
Everything else is in English. This is a small translation problem, which can be easily fixed(it's a problem for someone who doesn't know English at all). There are other not completely translated things, but I think you got the idea :P
I really enjoy playing this game and hope it will grow into something magnificent (now it's only with rank "Great" :P ) and very popular. So far this is the best Worms(2D)-clone I've played.Expecially love the way the hedgehogs spin when you blew them away Here are some more suggestions:
-a little better animation of the walking/jumping-movement. The hedgehogs look kind of stiff(especially the double backward jump - looks like...well, doesn't look like a double backward jump :P)
-(not important)some bubbles coming out of the hedgehogs when they sink into the cold water
-(not important)smoke from rockets and by explosions could look better
-some kind of wiki in the game like Wormopedia in Worms (or just a page on this site describing weapons, movements etc, so that a newbie can get straight to the action).
-one could use the shotgun facing a wall from a very very short distance (1-2 milimeters) without getting heart. In worms it takes damaged and you miss the second shot (if you made this mistake by the first one).It is more realistic (I think if you shoot in real life with a big fat shotgun from 1-2 milimeters distance directly in a stonewall, you'll get hurt...A lot
-optimisation of the engine is needed or something else, because by using the drill or airstrike the framerate drops a lot (using 4GB DDR2 RAM and Intel Pentium Dual Core with 2.00GHz) - by windowed mode with resolution 800x600, with limit of 125fps (which I think is much more than a player will ever need during gaming, but obviously not enough ).
-missing simple backward lower jump (wihtout spining)
End finally: Keep up the good work! You're doing great stuff and should be pround of giving us - the gamers - something so cool, free and open source
PS:Sorry for my bad English
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
Thank you for your criticisms.
A lot of what you said is already on the todo list
(more animation, drowning, etc)
But I do love the idea of a wiki, the game definitely needs a manual, and it needs to be in lots of languages, this seems a good way to do it. I'll look at setting one up!
Glad to help. An addition to framerate drop by drilling, air(naphalm)strike etc: don't know if it's from the engine of the game. I've tested this on a second machine my laptop with WinXP Pro, 2GB RAM, GeForce Nvidia 7300 with 256MB, Intel Core Duo 1.8GHz.
CORRECTION: I've been playing it from my USB stick :P Problem solved.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it.
Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. 
Welcome to the community!
Umm, bells ring towards the failed "Hedgepedia"?
But yeah, we definately need a wiki of some sort.
I proposed it here, and I began to work on it yesterday, I'm describing all weapons now, then I'll do movements and chat commands (for this I need a list of them, Tiyuri. One question, do you prefer a particular format to save it?I mean, for when it will be done. I don't know, like xml/html, a simple odt, something else).
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
HTML is preferred, as it's easiest way to include it to frontend
Perfect, and it's the easiest way for me to write the guide
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
When you do this I can translate it to polish language
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Good luck on it, Dai!