Greys lines or square, missing background and blur texts

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I report my two bugs with the .12 release.

Game is played in full screen 1280x1024 with full effects (no reduced quality).

Blur texts bug appears in this version, except text chat wich is clean :

Config : Windows XP SP-3 / ATI X1950Pro AGP 8x with official Catalyst drivers 9.3 (last and ultime version for my card because ATI doesn't support my old shit card now in the next Catalyst releases hehe). Change parameters in Catalyst doesn't change anything I think.

(edit by jessor: moved to support forum)

User offline. Last seen 15 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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I had the same problem. I think it's a bug in ATI's drivers. I downgraded my driver (8.6) and things seem to be working properly now.

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If possible please add your exact driver versions (where it's working and where it doesn't) and your card's name (if available).

I know why the blurry textures appear but I'm still trying to figure out why (it's indeed caused by the driver).

How about the sky/background on nature, nameless?

bananaoomarang's picture
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well the sky and everything is ok but the text and the hedgehg when it is loading is also fuzzy I am on openSUSE 11.1 and will do some poking around in my settings and report back.

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card: ati x1600 512 ddr2
not working: catalyst 9.8 legacy vista32
working: catalyst 8.8 vista32 (nature looks perfect, no graphical glitches at all)

Is it this bug?

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No, but similar issue (this issue is caused by very small textures - not very big ones).

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well I can't seem to fix it with my xorg.conf so is there any chance of adding an option in the game settings so it reverts to the old rendering method or is this now not possible.

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nemo's picture
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bananaoomarang, if you're unable/unwilling to revert to older ATI driver, can pull the tag/0.9.12 from SVN and do your own build with disabling of this change.

Since you're mentioning xorg.conf, doing a build is probably pretty easy for you Smile

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Oh. And... yes, Smaxx says he'll add an option for silly cards like this Smile

Anyway. Just comment out or delete line 996 of hedgewars/uStore.pas should do it if I understand Smaxx correctly.

--- uStore.pas (revision 2600)
+++ uStore.pas (working copy)
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@

-SupportNPOTT:= glLoadExtension('GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two');
+//SupportNPOTT:= glLoadExtension('GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two');

// set view port to whole window

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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ok thanks will do keep the awesome releases coming

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Turning off Catalyst AI didn't help, DXT texture compression and Bump Mapping as well... I tried all possible settings and combinations Sad Smiley
I'll now try to reboot and see if it helps...

P.S. I test on Windows XP SP3, video ATI X1100. Textures look ugly so far:

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Born2Crawl, I'll make an updated hwengine.exe with that feature that ATI is failing at, disabled.

Can't do it right now, but once I get to my machine with Windows VirtualBox, will link you to it.

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Thanks a lot nemo, I'm ready to test it.

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I have a possible Solution for the blurisch Textures on Ati Graficcards.

I have xchanged mx Ati Driver 3 Times because of OpenGl-bugs.
Ati orginal driver, cause of serius bugs
Radeon Omega, better but no correct gradient as hedgewars use it as aura/athmosphere in the background
DNA Driver, gradient but the blurish problem Sad Smiley
now: Xtreme-G Driver, all correct Display of hedgewars. Smile

Important! Watch for the "normal" pack and the "mobility" pack, remove current driver first

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Before using inofficial drivers (if you trust them and want to try them, do so) try to use my patched binary (or the provided diff file) to fix this bug for the moment.

You can find the download under The Fast and the Blurred.

This patch will disable the support for non power of two textures on ATI cards resulting in increased memory usage. This shouldn't matter on most computers but it might slightly lower your performance level.

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Well, Smaxx, your pstch didn't work for me Sad Smiley I didn't recompile, just used the EXE.
The game runs OK, but with the same texture problems described above.
I'll try the new drivers later today.

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Born2Crawl - he *did* try to identify the card info first.
You mind pasting that part of your debug0.txt ?
should be pretty obvious - vendor and card and whatnot.

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nemo, I'm at work currently, and my laptop with that ATI X1100 is at home.
I'll locate debug0.txt and paste it here today in the evening.
Although, I didn't quite get what "whatnot" is Smile

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nope the patch didn't work for me anyway I will do some more investigating.

EDIT: I did some investigating AND nothing I can't get it to work but if I find a way I will report back ASAP

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Hi Smaxx, nemo - here's a debug file you mentioned:

Hope it helps... Smile

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thought this might be of use (it's from my debug file)

0: OpenGL: Warning - driver didn't provide any valid max texture size; assuming 2048
0: OpenGL: "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two" loaded
0: SDL video driver: x11

so thats definatly the problem.

isn't there an easy way to get it to 'assume' something else?

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nemo's picture
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Sure. Just override that.
if MaxTextureSize = 0 then
MaxTextureSize:= 2048;

in uStore.pas (1006)

Smaxx was discussing this with us and decided to go with 2048, which is needed for the pretty skies.

Right now the textures in the game will support 1024 - they just won't look as nice since it should fail over to the low-quality backgrounds which are 1024 in height.

Also, if you enable Reduced Quality there should be no 2048 textures due to backgrounds being entirely removed.
All the other sprites should be 1024 or less.

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this is certainly an annoying bug it doesn't seem to be going away whatever I do.

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bananaoomarang's picture
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will there be a new version with a fix for this soon?

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Hey, I'm not totally sure what you want the fix to be? Like. What do you want to happen?

Sounds like you have things working on your side.

As for the guessed texture size 'cause your card is misreporting as 0, Smaxx already bumped it down in HEAD to 1024.

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bananaoomarang allegedly wrote:

will there be a new version with a fix for this soon?

Shouldn't be a problem to provide new/patched files but we still have to identify the reason for those blurry textures appearing since 0.9.12.

bananaoomarang's picture
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oh sorry if that sounded rude I just meant once you identify the problem will there be an official bugfix release like 9.12.1 or something.

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Bugfix release seems a bit unlikely. Up to unc0rr of course. But the NPOTT thing is in the .12 branch and the Ubuntu and Gentoo guys have been notified of it.
And the default of 1024 for texture size is in the patch I sent to the getdeb guy.

And the windows folks have the hwengine.exe Smaxx wrote, so everyone is pretty much covered apart from OSX, which hasn't reported any problems and has more predictable hardware anyway.

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ok sounds cool to me.

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Re-posting this one from news comments, hope it helps...

Hey guys, I followed the advice of Wario5 (thanks man!) and replaced my ATI drivers with 8.8 version and the bug with blurred textures was gone, EVEN WITHOUT a fix by Smaxx! (I could try it before, but I prefer Linux on a home desktop nowadays).

Thanks all!

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All I had to do was pull it from the svn 9.12 I didn't need any patches (linux)

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In Linux I don't have this problem as well, it's Windows' drivers problem...

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bananaoomarang allegedly wrote:

All I had to do was pull it from the svn 9.12 I didn't need any patches (linux)

Well, the 0.9.12 branch has NPOTT disabled now.

The 3 patches I put in the thread are just for things that could be problems you might want to fix.

First one is if your card misreports max texture.
Second is for the bug I introduced by failing to halt the sound when a drill bomb drowns.
Third is for a crasher unC0Rr fixed in joining a game as a spectator where someone quit mid-game, under some conditions he presumably is familiar with.

Since none of those were single-line changes and had workarounds or weren't preventing playing the game, I didn't screw with the branch further.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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