Mini-Shoppa Tournament .
Welcome To The
Hi everybody!
I wanted to do this mini-Shoppa Tournament for those who haven't played any shoppa tournament. I don't know if it will works but I try.
Rules: Anyone who does not follow these rules will be penalized.
- When two players play against each other, the first of those players to win two games is considered the winner, the other the loser.
- If you disconnect in the middle of a game you will lose the match (not the round).
- All the games will be played on Ropes map, whit 4 hogs on each team, remember to refresh the map after each game.(Just click on the map and go to Ropes map again).
- The games will be played with a Special Set of Weapons. To get it, you need to add the line in this to weapons.ini: In linux that file is in ~/.hedgewars, on windows it's in My Documents/hedgewars or C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\hedgewars.
- Spectators can join the room, but can't spam.
- You have to post the results of your games for all the rounds.
Ex: Randy vs. Lalo - Randy 1-2 Lalo win, Round 2.
- You have to upload the demos of the games in semifinal and final rounds.
For upload your demo, use To find they go to:
*in Linux: CTRL+H and find: .hedgewars/Demos/ click on LastRound.41.hwd
*in Windows: My documents/hedgewars/Demos and click on LastRound.41.hwd
The winner will choice an idea of a hat and I'll made it for him.
Q- When does round one starts?
A- All the games will be played on Sunday 4/12 at 17:00pm (UK time and UTC/GTM), for check your time zone : CLICK HERE
Q- All games are on Ropes?
A- Yes, and remember, team whit 4 hogs!
Q- What is the tournament scheme?
A- Tournament scheme will be 1vs.1. Whoever loses is out and whoever wins will play with someone else who has won. Like a normal tournament.
Q- What it is that about a ''special set of weapons''?
A- It's not fair if you get a melon in the last round. So we have removed crazy weapons. Watermelon, Hellish Handgrenade, and Ball Gun are prohibited.
Q- How can I get the weapons-set?
A- You need to add this line
to weapons.ini:
*In linux that file is in ~/.hedgewars,
*On windows it's in My Documents/hedgewars or C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\hedgewars.
* On MAC Library/Application Support/Hedgewars
Q- How long will the tournament take?
A- It will take about two hours.
Q- Where do I save the demos?
A- You save it in the folder: Hedgewars/Demos/LastRound.41.hwd OR when a game is over, in the bottom right corner.
To register, comment bellow puting your Nickname. Sing ups are free, you can be pr0 or n00b it's open.
Before your sign-up make sure you can play on Sunday.
*This forum topic is only to sing-up and make question, please don't spam.

Many players asked about they zone times so:
In those country will be at
Italy: Roma 6pm
Deutcland: 6pm
USA: NY 12pm
Canada: Montreal 12pm
French: Paris 6pm
Argentina: 2pm
Austriala: Sydney will be on other day XD
Spain: 6pm
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Falkenauge, he don't have hedgewars account.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Sign me up
User: Limix
Team: Damage Inc.
a.k.a. THE #1 Contender
a.k.a. Muffins
If there are players eager to take part, then I'm in!
My nickname in the game is, obviously, rhino.
Shoppa tournament anyone...?
Count me in!
I only try not to die when I kill
I'll join, mind your spelling
(Even though it would be on at 3am on Monday for me)
i will join although its 1 am for me

sign me up
im Mystery
i wanna play 2
team:the old school
name : Izack1535
team : Team Fortress 2
country : Malaysia
rank : semi noob quarter pro
can you recheck time for me?
For Malaysa guys the tournament will be at 1am, good luck
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
do NOT sign me up, I do not participate in hedgewars tournaments.
I just stopped by to say... good luck and have fun everybody :3
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Cool, sheepluva is on the tourney
it's a joke, thx are you are welcome :D
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
asmo - the noob player, so when you play with me, pls have mercy, i play shoppa very bad.. mainly for training and i know i will loose quick in this tournament so, give me chance
sign me in
howgh !
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
I'm in too! thank you!
this thread is now available as for the duration of the tournament
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Honestly i dont like the format for the tournament.. why play 1 vs 1 then make the final a 1vs1vs1.
Also the whoever is in the bottom bracket would only need to win 2 games to reach the final while everyone else needs to win 3 games to be in it.
I think you should cut it to 16 teams and just make it 1 vs 1 all the way
cut it to 18 teams and make it 6 matches of 1vs1vs1 which would give u 6 winners and those 6 can be play 2 matches of 1vs1vs1
Then the 2 winners can face each other in the big final
Either of these 2 scenarios would be more fair than an unbalanced 20 person tourney
Randy this is the format used in traditional 20 person tournaments
Put all the names on a piece of paper and take them out 1 by 1
For example if Hermes is the first name u take out he will be #1
then if second name is randy he will be #2
Sign me up
User: Hayaa
Team: YsZzZZzz Ty !
) ! best team ever! 
Thanks you, sheep
Oh, yes you are right. I'll put your scheme if we are 20, but for the momemnt we are only 14, hope we get 16 and we play 1v1 in everyrounds.
Thanks you for the help.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Sign me up plz!!
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Hi everybody!
This question goes for Randy:
How are we supposed to get the weapon set? Sorry, but I have never played a tournament and I didn't understand your instructions...
Am I supposed to paste the code:
To a txt document? And then, where do I put it? because in the hedgewars folder, I don't have a weapons folder... Should I create it?
Thx, and c ya all on Sunday!
I only try not to die when I kill
add the line to your weapons.ini
In linux that file is in ~/.hedgewars, on windows it's in My Documents/hedgewars or C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\hedgewars
Or just do a file search :P
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Here you go randy
Cool!! But you guys said be paper is not the way, cuz you don't know if I put easy opponent to me, etc.
So I decided to make it by order of registration. And it'll be tomorrow like i said.
Thanks you sheepluva, to help Radissthor
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
yes cause i didnt want to face asmo xD......just keep it how it is its more fair cause its random
Is it 11:00 AM Pacific time?
Bub, can you be more specific?
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Thanks sheepluva, it's clear
I only try not to die when I kill
take care, guys
) ! best team ever! 
What time will it be in Oregon?
Name; Łukasz
Team;druszyna hardkoru
I think its at 11:00 AM for me. Are there any spots left? If so, please sign me up!!
username: bub
team: chiefs
In my Windows there's no such variable as %USER%. There's %USERPROFILE% though. %USERPROFILE% contains the path to the profile directory, so in Windows 7 all you need to type is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Hedgewars (don't know about Win XP).
edit: Found a variable called %USERNAME%, I bet that's what you meant.
Shoppa tournament anyone...?
Good, we only need two more players
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
I believe it's 9:00AM for you.
You can easily translate the tournament's time (5 pm UTC) to your or any other place's time HERE
PS: rhino, I hate you. :P
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
I believe it's 9:00AM for you.
You can easily translate the tournament's time (5 pm UTC) to your or any other place's time HERE.
You're amaizing man
)) Thx you again.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Thanks Sheepluva and Randy! So am I in?
Yes you're.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Yes, try to not spam it, please. For sign up and any question.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Gahhh why does this always seem to happen. I once again am
Unable to make tournament due to unkown prior plans. Randy, please delete me from this tournament. Hopefully someone who really wanted to play can now. I am really sorry for the inconveniance. Have fun all.
/me reluctantly joins the tournament
oh no me must fight randy in first round...D: thats bad..i must fight you and i will try the BEST BEST BEST XD...btw..i dont like my oppenent