Debian: Game crashes with code 217 when starting round

21 replies [Last post]
KoBeWi's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 days 4 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-12-25
Posts: 565

I compiled the latest Hedgewars build (few days ago) and it seems that it's ok, but whenever I try to start a round, engine dies unexpectedly with exit code 217.

Here are last few lines from log:

hwengine allegedly wrote:
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
An unhandled exception occurred at $B769B286 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

Heap dump by heaptrc unit
0 memory blocks allocated : 0/0
0 memory blocks freed : 0/0
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 0
True free heap : 0
Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver

Any ideas what caused this?
I know that the log probably doesn't help. How do I get more useful information?

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

The next thing in a typical log is loading team flags. Can you post the full log please?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

KoBeWi's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 days 4 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-12-25
Posts: 565

hwengine allegedly wrote:
Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r11845 (25d36d8935cc) with protocol #52
Init SDL... ok
Init SDL_ttf... ok
Init SDL_image... ok
Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8] ok (32x32)
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Loading progress sprite: Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6] ok (324x972)
Getting game config...
Init SDL_Net... ok
Establishing IPC connection to tcp ok
Init sound...ok
Init SDL_mixer... ok
Reading objects info...
Loading /Themes/Island/anchor.png [flags: 14] ok (240x260)
Loading /Themes/Island/anchor_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Island/plant1.png [flags: 14] ok (182x194)
Loading /Themes/Island/plant1_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Island/plant2.png [flags: 14] ok (240x220)
Loading /Themes/Island/plant2_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Island/plant3.png [flags: 14] ok (100x59)
Loading /Themes/Island/plant3_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Island/plant4.png [flags: 14] ok (80x110)
Loading /Themes/Island/plant4_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Generating land...
Selected template #20 using filter #3
Loading /Themes/Island/LandTex.png [flags: 10] ok (640x480)
Loading /Themes/Island/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12] ok (640x480)
Loading /Themes/Island/Border.png [flags: 14] ok (128x32)
Loading /Themes/Island/Girder.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Graphics/Girder.png [flags: 14] ok (100x16)
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Adding theme objects...
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Generating collision info... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)... ok
Loading /Graphics/Crosshair.png [flags: 3] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Graves/Statue.png [flags: 4] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Graves/Statue.png [flags: 4] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hats/Reserved/chef.png [flags: 0] ok (64x512)
Loading /Themes/Island/BlueWater.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/BlueWater.png [flags: 7] ok (128x48)
Loading /Themes/Island/Clouds.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Clouds.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Graphics/Bomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/BigDigits.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/Frame.png [flags: 7] ok (4x64)
Loading /Graphics/Lag.png [flags: 7] ok (130x455)
Loading /Graphics/Arrow.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/BazookaShell.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Targetp.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Bee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x64)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/RopeHook.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Expl50.png [flags: 7] ok (64x384)
Loading /Graphics/MineOff.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/MineOn.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/MineDead.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Case.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/FirstAid.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/dynamite.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Power.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/ClBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/ClParticle.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/Flame.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Themes/Island/horizont.png [flags: 5] ok (1024x256)
Loading /Themes/Island/horizontL.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Island/horizontR.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Themes/Island/Sky.png [flags: 5] ok (1024x852)
Loading /Themes/Island/SkyL.png [flags: 5] ok (2x852)
Loading /Themes/Island/SkyR.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7] ok (33x99)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7] ok (2x8)
Loading /Graphics/Finger.png [flags: 7] ok (64x384)
Loading /Graphics/AirBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Airplane.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/amAirplane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Island/amGirder.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (480x480)
Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Switch.png [flags: 7] ok (32x384)
Loading /Graphics/Parachute.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Target.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/RopeNode.png [flags: 7] ok (6x6)
Loading /Graphics/thinking.png [flags: 7] ok (32x224)
Loading /Graphics/PowerBar.png [flags: 7] ok (256x32)
Loading /Graphics/WindBar.png [flags: 7] ok (151x17)
Loading /Graphics/WindL.png [flags: 7] ok (80x13)
Loading /Graphics/WindR.png [flags: 7] ok (80x13)
Loading /Themes/Island/Flake.png [flags: 7] ok (64x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hammer.png [flags: 7] ok (34x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Teleport.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/HHDeath.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Mortar.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Kowtow.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Sad.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Wave.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Hurrah.png [flags: 7] ok (32x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ILoveLemonade.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Shrug.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Juggle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/ExplPart.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/ExplPart2.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/Cake_walk.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Cake_down.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Watermelon.png [flags: 7] ok (32x64)
Loading /Graphics/EvilTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (32x256)
Loading /Graphics/HellishBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Seduction.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/HHDress.png [flags: 7] ok (64x512)
Loading /Graphics/Censored.png [flags: 7] ok (64x16)
Loading /Graphics/Drill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDrill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBallgun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Balls.png [flags: 7] ok (31x180)
Loading /Graphics/RCPlane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRCPlane.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Utility.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Invulnerable.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Vampiric.png [flags: 7] ok (48x48)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGirder.png [flags: 7] ok (512x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (12x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (25x9)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7] ok (25x26)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (49x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (23x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7] ok (45x65)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7] ok (34x23)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7] ok (30x20)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7] ok (30x37)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSniperRifle.png [flags: 7] ok (128x64)
Loading /Graphics/Bubbles.png [flags: 7] ok (16x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amJetpack.png [flags: 7] ok (64x256)
Loading /Graphics/Health.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMolotov.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Molotov.png [flags: 7] ok (32x288)
Loading /Graphics/Smoke.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeWhite.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/Shells.png [flags: 7] ok (8x16)
Loading /Themes/Island/Dust.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Dust.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/SnowDust.png [flags: 7] ok (22x176)
Loading /Graphics/Explosives.png [flags: 7] ok (96x480)
Loading /Graphics/ExplosivesRoll.png [flags: 7] ok (48x96)
Loading /Graphics/amTeleport.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Island/Splash.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Splash.png [flags: 7] ok (160x500)
Loading /Themes/Island/Droplet.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Droplet.png [flags: 7] ok (16x64)
Loading /Graphics/Birdy.png [flags: 7] ok (150x75)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCake.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amConstruction.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGrenade.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMelon.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMortar.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSkip.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCluster.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDynamite.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHellish.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSeduction.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amVamp.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/BigExplosion.png [flags: 7] ok (385x385)
Loading /Graphics/SmokeRing.png [flags: 7] ok (200x200)
Loading /Graphics/BeeTrace.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Egg.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBee.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Graphics/Feather.png [flags: 7] ok (15x25)
Loading /Graphics/Piano.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSineGun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x512)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amPortalGun.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Portal.png [flags: 7] ok (32x192)
Loading /Graphics/cheese.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCheese.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFlamethrower.png [flags: 7] ok (256x256)
Loading /Themes/Island/Chunk.png [flags: 5] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Note.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/SMineOff.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/SMineOn.png [flags: 7] ok (32x32)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHammer.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amResurrector.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Cross.png [flags: 7] ok (108x138)
Loading /Graphics/AirDrill.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/NapalmBomb.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/BulletHit.png [flags: 7] ok (96x96)
Loading /Themes/Island/Snowball.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snowball.png [flags: 7] ok (16x16)
Loading /Themes/Island/amSnowball.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSnowball.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Themes/Island/Snow.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7] ok (3x3)
Loading /Themes/Island/SDFlake.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlake.png [flags: 7] ok (64x192)
Loading /Themes/Island/SDWater.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDWater.png [flags: 7] ok (128x48)
Loading /Themes/Island/SDClouds.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDClouds.png [flags: 7] ok (256x512)
Loading /Themes/Island/SDSplash.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDSplash.png [flags: 7] ok (160x500)
Loading /Themes/Island/SDDroplet.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDDroplet.png [flags: 7] ok (16x64)
Loading /Graphics/Timebox.png [flags: 7] ok (50x162)
Loading /Graphics/slider.png [flags: 7] ok (3x17)
Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7] ok (22x15)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCleaver.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/cleaver.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/star.png [flags: 7] ok (12x12)
Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amIceGun.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFrozenHog.png [flags: 7] ok (64x64)
Loading /Themes/Island/amRubber.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/amRubber.png [flags: 7] ok (320x320)
Loading /Graphics/boing.png [flags: 7] ok (101x97)
Loading /Themes/Island/custom1.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom1.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Themes/Island/custom2.png [flags: 5] failed
Loading /Graphics/custom2.png [flags: 7] ok (2x2)
Loading /Graphics/AirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (64x256)
Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirMine.png [flags: 7] ok (128x128)
An unhandled exception occurred at $B770D286 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

Heap dump by heaptrc unit
0 memory blocks allocated : 0/0
0 memory blocks freed : 0/0
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 0
True free heap : 0
Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver

game0.log allegedly wrote:
0: [Con] Hedgewars engine 0.9.23-r11845 (25d36d8935cc) with protocol #52
0: Prefix: "/root/games/Data"
0: UserPrefix: "/root/.hedgewars"
0: 0: /root/games/bin/hwengine
0: 1: --internal
0: 2: --port
0: 3: 53233
0: 4: --prefix
0: 5: /root/games/Data
0: 6: --user-prefix
0: 7: /root/.hedgewars
0: 8: --locale
0: 9: pl.txt
0: 10: --frame-interval
0: 11: 8
0: 12: --volume
0: 13: 128
0: 14: --fullscreen-width
0: 15: 2560
0: 16: --fullscreen-height
0: 17: 1440
0: 18: --width
0: 19: 1138
0: 20: --height
0: 21: 588
0: 22: --raw-quality
0: 23: 0
0: 24: --stereo
0: 25: 0
0: 26: --altdmg
0: 27: --nick
0: 28: R2/Fm8SHMTcxNjQyNDA0Nw==
0: [Con] Init SDL...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_ttf...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] fullscr 0
0: Preparing to change video parameters...
0: [Con] Init SDL_image...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: Setting up OpenGL (using driver: x11)
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x209)
0: |----- Vendor: VMware, Inc.
0: |----- Version: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.5
0: |----- Texture Size: 4096
0: \----- Extensions:
0: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra
0: GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract
0: GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture
0: GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
0: GL_EXT_texture GL_EX
0: [Con] Number of game controllers: 0
0: [Con] Not using any game controller
0: [BINDS] Loading binds from: ///settings.ini
0: [BINDS] file not found
0: [Con] Loading progress sprite:
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6]
0: [Con] ok (324x972)
0: [Con] Getting game config...
0: [Con] Init SDL_Net...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Establishing IPC connection to tcp
0: [Con] ok
0: [IPC out] C
0: [IPC out] ?
0: [Cmd] theme Island
0: [Cmd] seed {7fc8aab7-5112-437e-b17e-3f996b25a535}
0: [Cmd] $gmflags 8192
0: [Cmd] $damagepct 100
0: [Cmd] $turntime 45000
0: [Cmd] $sd_turns 15
0: [Cmd] $casefreq 5
0: [Cmd] $minestime 3000
0: [Cmd] $minesnum 4
0: [Cmd] $minedudpct 0
0: [Cmd] $explosives 2
0: [Cmd] $airmines 0
0: [Cmd] $healthprob 35
0: [Cmd] $hcaseamount 25
0: [Cmd] $waterrise 47
0: [Cmd] $healthdec 5
0: [Cmd] $ropepct 100
0: [Cmd] $getawaytime 100
0: [Cmd] $worldedge 0
0: [Cmd] $template_filter 0
0: [Cmd] $feature_size 12
0: [Cmd] $mapgen 0
0: [Cmd] ammloadt 939192942219912103223511100120000000021110010101111100010
0: [Cmd] ammprob 040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541111111
0: [Cmd] ammdelay 000000000000020550000004000700400000000022000000060002000
0: [Cmd] ammreinf 131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111111111
0: [Cmd] ammstore
0: [Cmd] addteam e8ea97dc1192963055815eaf5595cd97 16712196 Hogteam
0: [BINDS] Loading binds from: /Teams/Hogteam.hwt
0: [BINDS] file not found
0: [Cmd] grave Statue
0: [Cmd] fort Plane
0: [Cmd] voicepack Default
0: [Cmd] flag hedgewars
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 j1
0: AddGear: #1 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 j2
0: AddGear: #2 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 j3
0: AddGear: #3 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 j4
0: AddGear: #4 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] ammloadt 939192942219912103223511100120000000021110010101111100010
0: [Cmd] ammprob 040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541111111
0: [Cmd] ammdelay 000000000000020550000004000700400000000022000000060002000
0: [Cmd] ammreinf 131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111111111
0: [Cmd] ammstore
0: [Cmd] addteam e8ea97dc1192963055815eaf5595cd97 4817089 nienazwany
0: [BINDS] Loading binds from: /Teams/nienazwany.hwt
0: [BINDS] file not found
0: [Cmd] grave Statue
0: [Cmd] fort Plane
0: [Cmd] voicepack Default
0: [Cmd] flag hedgewars
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 je?? 1
0: AddGear: #5 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 je?? 2
0: AddGear: #6 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 je?? 3
0: AddGear: #7 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 je?? 4
0: AddGear: #8 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat NoHat
0: Ping? Pong!
0: [Con] Init sound...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_mixer...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Reading objects info...
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/anchor.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (240x260)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/anchor_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant1.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (182x194)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant1_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant2.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (240x220)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant2_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant3.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (100x59)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant3_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant4.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (80x110)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/plant4_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Generating land...
0: [Con] Selected template #20 using filter #3
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/LandTex.png [flags: 10]
0: [Con] ok (640x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] ok (640x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Border.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (128x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Girder.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Girder.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (100x16)
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Adding theme objects...
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] sendlanddigest
0: CheckLandDigest: M172055230 digest :
0: StoreLoad()
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Crosshair.png [flags: 3]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Graves/Statue.png [flags: 4]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Graves/Statue.png [flags: 4]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/Reserved/chef.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/BlueWater.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BlueWater.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Clouds.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Clouds.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigDigits.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Frame.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (4x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Lag.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (130x455)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Arrow.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BazookaShell.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Targetp.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bee.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeTrace.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RopeHook.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Expl50.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineOff.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineOn.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineDead.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Case.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/FirstAid.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/dynamite.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Power.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ClBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ClParticle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flame.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/horizont.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (1024x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/horizontL.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/horizontR.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Sky.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (1024x852)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SkyL.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (2x852)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SkyR.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (33x99)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (2x8)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Finger.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Airplane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amAirplane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/amGirder.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (480x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Switch.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Parachute.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Target.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RopeNode.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (6x6)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/thinking.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x224)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/PowerBar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindBar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (151x17)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindL.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (80x13)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindR.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (80x13)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Flake.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hammer.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (34x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Teleport.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HHDeath.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Mortar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Kowtow.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Sad.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Wave.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Hurrah.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ILoveLemonade.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Shrug.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Juggle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplPart.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplPart2.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cake_walk.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cake_down.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Watermelon.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/EvilTrace.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HellishBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Seduction.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HHDress.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Censored.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Drill.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDrill.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBallgun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Balls.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (31x180)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RCPlane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRCPlane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Utility.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Invulnerable.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Vampiric.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGirder.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (512x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (12x9)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (25x9)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (25x26)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (49x37)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (23x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (45x65)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (34x23)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (30x20)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (30x37)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSniperRifle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bubbles.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amJetpack.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Health.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMolotov.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Molotov.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x288)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Smoke.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeWhite.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Shells.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (8x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Dust.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Dust.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SnowDust.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Explosives.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplosivesRoll.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x96)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amTeleport.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Splash.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Splash.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (160x500)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Droplet.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Droplet.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Birdy.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (150x75)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCake.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amConstruction.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGrenade.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMelon.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMortar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSkip.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCluster.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDynamite.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHellish.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMine.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSeduction.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amVamp.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigExplosion.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (385x385)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeRing.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (200x200)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BeeTrace.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Egg.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBee.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Feather.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (15x25)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Piano.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSineGun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amPortalGun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Portal.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x192)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/cheese.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCheese.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFlamethrower.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Chunk.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Note.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SMineOff.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SMineOn.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSMine.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHammer.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amResurrector.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cross.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (108x138)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirDrill.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/NapalmBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BulletHit.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x96)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Snowball.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Snowball.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/amSnowball.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSnowball.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/Snow.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (3x3)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SDFlake.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlake.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x192)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SDWater.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDWater.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SDClouds.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDClouds.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SDSplash.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDSplash.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (160x500)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/SDDroplet.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDDroplet.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Timebox.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (50x162)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/slider.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (3x17)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCleaver.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/cleaver.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/star.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (12x12)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amIceGun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFrozenHog.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/amRubber.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amRubber.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (320x320)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/boing.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (101x97)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/custom1.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom1.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Island/custom2.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/custom2.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (2x2)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirMine.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirMine.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)

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So... Why are you running Hedgewars as root? Shocking

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

KoBeWi's picture
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Um, does it matter?

I needed root to download all necessary packages, and... then compiled the game from the same terminal, as root. (I know it's a bad idea)

Running as non-root doesn't help (as expected).

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It's mostly that it doesn't seem very safe/wise. Guess you really trust our code ☺
Also seems like it would needlessly complicate working w/ the build. But eh whatev.

Anyway... Since you're doing your own build. Mind making a debug build? gdb stack trace could be helpful.

sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope"

while((1));do gdb -p $(pgrep hwengine);done

launch frontend, start a game, type continue in gdb once it finds the process, wait for it to crash, type bt.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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My Linux is on virtual machine and I installed it only because it was needed for C programming at my university. After recent accident, I don't even have important data anymore.

Anyways, I can't run the first command:

sh allegedly wrote:
sh: 1: cannot create /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope: Directory nonexistent

(I'm probably doing something wrong)

I guess it's important, because that's what I get:

gdb allegedly wrote:
(gdb) continue
[Inferior 1 (process 28946) exited normally]
(gdb) bt
No stack.

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The ptrace is because normally gdb can't attach these days without disabling security restrictions. I wonder just how old your VM is.

Huh. Exited normally? Interesting..
But you're on a vm - have you run hedgewars ok on that VM before? Maybe it's just opengl problems (although normally they don't show up at that point in the log)

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I'm using newest VirtualBox and my VM was reinstalled few days ago.

I just tried installing normal Hedgewars package with apt-get and I'm able to run the game (but it has some problems with controls).

Nevermind, I compiled 0.9.22 and works as intended. There's a camera problem, but that's probably VM thing.

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'k... so what was the problem in the end?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Eh, I don't know. After I've seen that HW from normal Debian package works, I suspected that it was just broken build. I then tried pulling the newest build, but it didn't even compile.

The 0.9.22 release works perfectly. So it seems like when you download the newest available dev build, you are not guaranteed that it will work or even compile, am I right?

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So... the dev build, sheepluva completely stripped out all SDL 1.2... 0.9.22 was still using SDL 1.2 - probably this is our biggest release blocker at the moment. There's a bug with my XCompose in latest dev, and wouldn't surprise me if there's other issues too. If it turns out these aren't getting fixed, might have to revert those commits...
*looks at sheepluva*

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

The 0.9.22 release works perfectly. So it seems like when you download the newest available dev build, you are not guaranteed that it will work or even compile, am I right?

Seems some build-breaking typo slipped into a commit 4 days ago that made it to -dev.

It was fixed now though, please try to rebuild.

EDIT: OH and server dependencies changed too, but just pass -DNOSERVER=1 to cmake and you should be fine.

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
a Hedgewars Developer

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It's not that important for me, because I was able to successfully modify the stable release, so seems like I could do something more with it.

Even if I wanted to update, seems like I can't do it right now ;_; I get this error message:
"abort: error: Name or service not known"
It happens even when I remove the trunk and try to clone it again.

Ok, it randomly started to work again, so I re-cloned it and rebuilt and I get the same error code 217 as previously.
Using Hedgewars 0.9.23-r11866 (afa8182003cc)

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As for me the error got fixed, just update sources to the last revision. / GG: 3747253

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Didn't work. Still stuck at 0.9.22 ¬_¬

It now crashes after this:

hwengine allegedly wrote:
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading progress sprite:
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6]
0: [Con] ok (324x972)

Wuzzy's picture
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When things like this happen and I really don't know what to to, I usually do this:

hg purge --all

And then I do cmake and build from scatch and also delete my locally installed Hedgewars. This usually helps.

If things are REALLY fucked up and I have no clue whatsoever, I usually reclone the repository and try to build everything from scratch. But I really never need it, actually.

Did you build without the server as nemo suggested?

Here is how I build from scratch:

hg clone ....
cmake .
ccmake . # And I set the configuratino I need
make install

And in the directory in which I installed HW, I just do:
- ./bin/hedgewars

In ccmake, I set:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= (some directory on which I have normal write access, e.g. /home/wuzzy/bla )

Note: ccmake is just a “fancy” interface to cmake -D, it doesn't matter which you choose.

Here's how I update:

hg pull --update


hg pull
hg update

The “update” part is IMPORTANT! Don't forget it! Also, before running make install again, don'T forget to also run cmake! Otherwise, a couple of new files might not get installed.

Can you please also check the logs when you run cmake? Maybe an error message sneaks in there which you have overlooked.

Oh, and can you please tell us your operating system?
Also check if you have all the dependencies listed here:

If this still doesn't help, please visit us in our chatroom again.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
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Uh, I completely re-cloned repository numerous times. I think I even built it on fresh OS installation at least once.

This error happens when I run the newest build. When I do hg update 0.9.22, it works alright.

Here's the command I use for cmake:

(it's the same one as on HWKB)

And the log:

cmake allegedly wrote:
-- Building 0.9.23-r12220 (a7c08e4748ff)
-- Using DEBUG configuration
-- Found Lua: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found PhysFS: /usr/lib/
-- LIBAV disabled. Video recording will not be built
-- Looking for include file pthread.h
-- Looking for include file pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found.
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Found SDL2: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libSDL2main.a;/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/;-lpthread
-- Check for working Pascal compiler: /usr/bin/fpc
-- Check for working Pascal compiler: /usr/bin/fpc -- works
-- Found SDL2_image: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found SDL2_net: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found SDL2_ttf: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found SDL2_mixer: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- PNG disabled. Screenshots will be saved in BMP
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11 - found
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN - not found.
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found.
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC - not found.
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found suitable version "4.8.2", required is "4.7.0")
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found version "4.8.2")
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:

Here's log I get for 0.9.22:

cmake allegedly wrote:
-- Building 0.9.22-r11630 (11f6a4c316a1)
-- Using DEBUG configuration
-- LIBAV disabled. Video recording will not be built
-- PNG disabled. Screenshots will be saved in BMP
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found suitable version "4.8.2", required is "4.7.0")
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found version "4.8.2")
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:

It's obviously shorter, but I don't know which parts actually matter >_>

My OS is Debian Wheezy on VirtualBox 5 (although being an VM doesn't really explain why only one version would be broken)

So, the cmake log for 0.9.22 is somehow different now.

cmake allegedly wrote:
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.7.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.7.2
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
*** You have uncommitted changes in your repository ***
-- Building 0.9.22-r11630 (11f6a4c316a1)
-- Performing Test HAVE_STACKPROTECTOR - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_VISIBILITY
-- Performing Test HAVE_VISIBILITY - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_NOEXECSTACK
-- Performing Test HAVE_NOEXECSTACK - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_ORIGIN
-- Performing Test HAVE_ORIGIN - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_RELROFULL
-- Performing Test HAVE_RELROFULL - Success
-- Using DEBUG configuration
-- Found Lua: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found PhysFS: /usr/lib/
-- LIBAV disabled. Video recording will not be built
-- Looking for include file pthread.h
-- Looking for include file pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found.
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Found SDLIMAGE: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found SDLNET: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found SDLTTF: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Found SDLMIXER: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Check for working Pascal compiler: /usr/bin/fpc
-- Check for working Pascal compiler: /usr/bin/fpc -- works
-- PNG disabled. Screenshots will be saved in BMP
-- Looking for Mix_Init in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Looking for Mix_Init in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ - found
-- Looking for IMG_Init in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
-- Looking for IMG_Init in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ - found
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11 - found
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN - not found.
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found.
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC - not found.
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found suitable version "4.8.2", required is "4.7.0")
-- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found version "4.8.2")
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:

Also, any ideas why HW freezes sometimes at freeing resources? And exiting game doesn't always end the process and I have to kill it.

Wuzzy's picture
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Posts: 1307

Okay, so your cmake logs don't look suspicious. At least not to me. Big Grin

But your crash message of the hwengine is interesting. Normally, it should looks like this (look below Progress.png):

Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)... ok
Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)... ok
Loading progress sprite: Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6] ok (324x972)
Init SDL_Net... ok
Establishing IPC connection to tcp ok
Lua: Missions/Challenge/Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle.lua loaded
Lua: /Scripts/Locale.lua loaded
Init sound...ok
Init SDL_mixer... ok
Reading objects info...
Loading /Themes/Golf/Hole.png [flags: 14] ok (123x32)
Loading /Themes/Golf/Hole_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Golf/Car.png [flags: 14] ok (330x350)
Loading /Themes/Golf/Car_mask.png [flags: 12] failed
Loading /Themes/Golf/Club.png [flags: 14] ok (240x260)

Maybe hwengine has some problems in loading SDL libraries? But I have not really a idea at the moment (I also haven't dug deep yet). Hmm …

I'm not sure if it helps but you could try to update all the required libraries.
You can check here if your libraries are up to date:

Oh, please name us all the decendency libraries you have on the system. Hedgewars neatly displays them in the about screen (click on the Hedgewars logo in the main menu).

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
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Posts: 565

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Oh, please name us all the decendency libraries you have on the system. Hedgewars neatly displays them in the about screen (click on the Hedgewars logo in the main menu).
You mean this?

Looking at dependencies, my PhysFS is outdated (I shouldn't be able to run older version too, actually). I'm trying to figure out how to update it.

I compiled PhysFS from source, but I have to re-link HW to load it from local path ;_;

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Posts: 1307

I just helped KoBeWi in IRC to debug hwengine. KoBeWi issued this command:

gdb --args ./hwengine (path to demo)

And then just let GDB run and grabbed the backtrace for me. This is the backtrace which I post here for documentation purposes:

#0  0xb7f0e286 in SDL_FillRect () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
#1  0xb7dbe37f in TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
#2  0x0811e994 in WriteInRoundRect (Surface=0xa6668b0, X=0, Y=0, Color=4294156008, Font=fntBig, s=0xa3ea794 "Loading …", maxLength=0, 
    $result=...) at uRenderUtils.pas:99
#3  0x0811f513 in RenderStringTexLim (s=0xa3ea794 "Loading …", Color=4294156008, font=fntBig, maxLength=0) at uRenderUtils.pas:337
#4  0x0811f3b5 in RenderStringTex (s=0xa3ea794 "Loading …", Color=4294156008, font=fntBig) at uRenderUtils.pas:312
#5  0x0809ea06 in AddProgress () at uStore.pas:797
#6  0x0806e0ba in GameRoutine () at *****/hedgewars/hwengine.pas:394
#7  0x0806e2c0 in Game () at *****/hedgewars/hwengine.pas:444
#8  0x0806e6ed in $main () at *****/hedgewars/hwengine.pas:604

(some directories replaced with “*****” to preserve privacy.)

Thanks, KoBeWi, for cooperating so far.

I still need to dig deeper …

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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I fixed it by upgrading to Debian 8 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Debian 7 has outdated packages, especially SDL. You'd probably need to compile it from source, so if you are trying the newest HW release on Debian 7, you are gonna have a hard time.
On the other hand, on Debian 8 everything works out-of-the-box, without further configuration. Just copy the commands from HWKB's "BuildingOnLinux" and you are done.

(btw, KDE is kool)

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