Hedgewars 1.0.0 released!
1.0.0 is here!
That's right, Hedgewars version 1.0.0 has been released!
Oh boy, it has finally happened! It was a long, long journey, but we reached our destination! Version 1.0.0 is a major milestone for this game, as its the first version we find confident to share with a wider audience.
Compared to version 0.9.25, this release contains mostly a cleanup of existing features and bugfixes. Basically stuff you'd expect for a “worthy” 1.0.0 release.
Have fun!
Go to the Download page to obtain Hedgewars.
Noteworthy changes
- Campaigns now use your team identity instead of ignoring it
- Single missions can now be played with your favourite teams and keep track of your progress
- Hand-drawn maps can be scaled with a slider
- Quick games are more random
- Homing bee can be used as secondary ammo
- Can change hedgehog order in The Specialists
- Various small HUD improvements
- Various controls improvements and bugfixes
Follow this link to read the full post!
This section is dedicated to highlight some noteworthy changes. This list is not exhaustive, there were many small changes.
More randomized quick games

Previously, quick games were mostly the same most of the time and not very random. The map type was always a middle-sized island, 4 vs 4 hedgehogs and the computer strength was always at level 2.
This version will randomize more game settings to make quick games more interesting:
- Use more map types: random Perlin, random maze, random tunnels, random image map, random forts
- Use random map size
- Random number of hedgehogs
- Random difficulty level of opponent
Additionally, the first 15 quick games will have reduced difficulty and complexity so that new players are not overwhelmed.
HUD and graphics improvements
In the top right corner, the health of the current hedgehog will be shown, along with some status icons that show special effects like vampirism, invulnerable, poison or being resurrectable:
Improved graphics of shoryuken and switch hedgehog:
If a flying saucer or air mine is in dark/opaque water, there will be an outline:
Pressing [O] shows mine timers and health crate contents. In replays, the “health” of barrels will be shown as well.
New hat
Enough said.
Resizable hand-drawn maps
The size of hand-drawn maps can be scaled with the slider, allowing for huge maps like this one:Proper team support for campaigns and missions
Single missions now support teams and keep track of your progress and highscores:
Target radar
If you finished a target practice mission once, you unlock the target radar. The target radar shows your next target:
New convenience controls have been added:- [Precise]+[Zoom in/out]: Slow zoom
- [Precise]+[Volume up/down]: Slow volume change
- [Precise]+[Move camera]: Slow camera movement
- New key: Unselect weapon (no key assigned by default)
- [O]: Display object infos
Other changes
There's a large amount of other, smaller changes, far too many to show them all off. The changelog for this version alone contains about 180 changes! Also, as usual, the Lua API has seen many additions.Most other changes are minor improvements, but mostly bugfixes in many different areas, be it weapons, styles, campaigns, the HUD, graphics, etc.
- Wuzzy's blog
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Evil ed
Congratulations! This is a milestone indeed! The game looks great!
Opened a PR for Void Linux. Hopefully other distros follow shortly.
Sweet to see HW is still going awesome.

Congrats to the team

Lol, seriously. Can hardly wait to try it out.
Here's an edited version I did of sdmusic.ogg, designed to help it repeat better.
Zsír çoban
It's great overall altho i can't believe the ai got dumber, i noticed it while playing with custom ai teams and a custom scheme
EDIT: it actually happened only once in my first playthrough, i played some more and it all seemed normal
Serbia and Montenegro still don't have separate flags. Please add the flag of Serbia and the flag of Montenegro.
Hedgewars Fan
Your game is so Amazing! I play it everyday and I also record videos of the game and it's so much fun!
Congratulations !
Many of us are not exactly young any more ^^
Great job - thank you very much (-: