The Grand Tournament 2013/14 : Shoppa Cup (Final)

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Ninja Triangle! ... .. ... .. ... Flying Saucer Hedgehog ... .. ... .. ...


The sign up has been closed. With that said, we will not approve the applications anymore.


Alright alright. Post your results as the following format.


The tournament has end and the winner is bufon ! Congratulation to him and Raddisthor .

We are really sorry about this long tournament, but we hope to do a better one next time.

Happy holidays.



bufon vs. Raddisthor (Game for the 1st place)

cri.thegrinch vs. SirTToby (Game for the bronze)



Good luck & have fun

Round 3:

Group A:





Group B:






The 2 top-scoring players of each round will meet in a head on head game in semi-finals.

Same rules, same maps.

You have one month to play the games.

Round 2:

Group A:





Group B:





Group C:





Group D:






The rules will be the same as round 2, same maps, same scheme, same hogs...

You have one month to play all the games! Good luck and have fun!


In round 2 there be 4 groups, with 4 players in each. One of the four top-scoring players will be in each group, as will one of the four next-best scoring players, and so on. Which of these players goes to which group will be decided at random.

Round 1 results:

Group A:

1º Solar: 12 points

2º Combz: 8 points

3º terror: 6 points

4º Sh4d0w: 6 points

Group B:

1º Raddisthor: 15 points

2º Bufon: 11 points

3º mikade: 5 points

4º Samy: 5 points

Group C:

1º Kootooloo: 15 points

2º sparkles: 14 points

3º cri.thegrinch: 14 points

4º SirTToby: 12 points

Group D:

1º Randy 13 points

2º krammer: 11 points

3º Tiotmolina: 10 points

4º Logan: 9 points

sparkles vs cri.thegrinch (Group C)
match 1 = cri.thegrinch wins (demo link)
match 2 = sparkles wins (demo link)
match 3 = cri.thegrinch wins (demo link)

result : cri.thegrinch wins


*side note: We don't really expect this amount of players that's why we put a limit. We currently have 26 players and each group does not consist of 4 players anymore.

Group A

Combz4228 pt
Schoddie3033 pt
-Last updated on 12/24/2013

Group B

Group C

Played Won Lost Points
sparkles 6 4 2 14
Kootooloo 5 5 0 15
SirTToby 6 3 3 12
cri.thegrinch 6 4 2 14
Erkit 6 3 3 12
Wuzzy 6 0 6 6
S.D 5 1 3 6

Group D

Glum reaper2114pt
Tiotimolina 43110pt
-Last updated on 12/28/2013


With table and new rules :

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th placeholders of each group will be featuring in the next round. So, what are ye waiting for? Meet ALL your group members and win the game!

Good luck!


It will be a 5 hedgehogs vs 5 hedgehogs game. So, there will be 10 hedgehogs on the beginning of the game. Go to C:\Users\UsersName \Documents\Hedgewars and open weapons ini. file. Add this code to the bottom line. Code:


In case you can't see all the numbers, go to here:

map? refer to the pdf doc.

Check the prizes in the main thread of The Grand Tournament (

Take your time reading our pdf document. Big Grin Here: [LINK REMOVED by administration - please do not link to pages with dubious advertising! (popups, .exe installers, plugin installers, fake download links, etc]

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The Shoppa Cup :

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Stef
Team Name: Suicidal Sheepy
Country: Belgium
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: About 18 hours at this moment. But it varies from 5 hours to 20 hours.

Star and Moon
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Not that I'm against this idea, but when are we going to have another default tournament?

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Hello Star and Moon.

Randy of TournTeam will post the Default Tournament thread as soon as he finished the text for the thread. So, it may take a little time. I'm hoping he will post within this week.


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Aim bug is fixed for next release.

Acceleration tho...
I would appreciate if someone could send me demos of as close to possible of exact same maneuver in both old and new version so I could get a better handle on this.

I'm still not too certain as to that one's existence.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Thanks for the fixed bugs, Nemo.

I would like to ask, when is the next release of Hedgewars? If you release earlier than this December, I will have to change the gameplay rules. I'm also afraid if you release the next release when the tournament isn't over yet.


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Tournament Organization Team allegedly wrote:

Thanks for the fixed bugs, Nemo.

I would like to ask, when is the next release of Hedgewars? If you release earlier than this December, I will have to change the gameplay rules. I'm also afraid if you release the next release when the tournament isn't over yet.


Probably at the end of the summer, to incorporate the campaign.
I'm guessing it'll be a release that'll mostly be the campaign, some bugfixes, and the usual new content pickups.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Thanks for that. I really appreciated that Smile


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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Solar
Team Name : Team-Comics
Country : French
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: Some time

Good Luck All

glum reaper
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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): glum reaper
Team Name: 100
Country: Bangladesh
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: Varies between 10 - 20 hours depending on workload.

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Well, shit. If glum reaper applies I don't really have a choice.

Name (nick): mikade
Team Name: Derp
Country: Titan, I guess?
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: As per whim / workload.

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): samy
Team Name: samy
Country: Algeria
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: I never calculated, and varies (20h/week maybe..).

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Hello there,

I want to sign up for the Shoppa Cup competition.

Name (nick): Kievitei
Team Name: DutchShoppers
Country: Netherlands
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: Varies between 5-10 hours a week.

Good luck and may the best Team win Smile

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Mysstery
Team Name: Confused Hedgehogs
Country: Malaysia
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: 2o hours? :O

May you bathe in your enemies blood. Good luck!

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): bufon
Team Name: Pride
Country: Spain
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: aprox 10 hours highlander, 3 hours shoppa

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Name (nick): Wuzzy
Team Name: Orange
Country: Germany
How much time I spend on Hedgewars weekly: That’s a tough question. I have made no statistics but it varies greatly between 0h to 20h (I play a lot of other games, too)
Team color: You may guess it.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Worschtweck
Team Name: ACE
Country: Germany
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: some time


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Team Name:The Golden Boys
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly:1 to 4 hours

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Combz
Team Name: Jello
Country: United States of America
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: 8-20 hours
Color: Green or Orange or Red

Consumed with what's to transpire

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name: Radissthor
Team: Radissthors
Location: The milky Way
Number of hours for HW a week: 2 -3 hours approx.

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Tiotimolina
Team Name: Green Hill

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Shoppa Cup Application
Name (nick): sparkles
Team Name: Electronic Hogs
Location: Somewhere on planet earth
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: Between 7 to 20+ hours


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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): Fanat
Team Name: -(The Ninja)-
Country: City of the Dead
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: idk maybe more than you.

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only 16 players? reallyyyyy.. Sad Smiley

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Well, if I had to guess, it is because there is such a massive gap between most people, and the hardcore shoppa players? Smile

Also, maybe, everyone is on vacation?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Just wondering if some "waiting list" or something is there.

I read something about last year's Shoppa Cup a while ago, about "lalo" replacing "Killer monkey", or something like that.
Seems like we have some "late players".


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Good question. I guess that is up to the tournament organizers to decide. If I'm not mistaken we reached the 16/16 capacity for the tournament with Fanat. Personally, I have nothing against cri.thegrinch or terror filling a spot if someone drops out. That seems more interesting than someone getting an automatic win due to disqualification.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to the announcement of the the groupings.

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need it add ? i maybe didnt see all code

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So, if we went for a release for Hedgewars' b-day (halloween) would you guys be done in time to update the names on the cups? Otherwise, eh, next release.

Also, still waiting for info on the "acceleration" bug.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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@Sparkles: There were no Shoppa Cup before this one. The method isn't the same. As for your concern, please have a look at a pdf doc I've been posted just now.

@Nemo: Well, the Shoppa Cup may start on Winter. Where everyone is in their houses playing their computers Big Grin


The HW-TournTeam

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Tournament Organization Team allegedly wrote:

@Sparkles: There were no Shoppa Cup before this one. The method isn't the same. As for your concern, please have a look at a pdf doc I've been posted just now.


Ah my bad, looking forward to the shoppa cup Smile


We also have seen a few players tried to sign up but the limit is only 16. If you guys getting another 16 players to join, then I will open another 16 slots for you.

What do you mean? So if 16 more players register, they can play too?


Due to the acceleration/aim bug, the Tourn-team decided to make a change in the gameplay. So, the maps that are only allowed in this tournament are Ropes, ShoppaHell, ShoppaNeon, SymmetricalRopes,ShoppaSky and SkatePark. And now you are free to choose of those 5 maps to play. You can play Ropes for all games or a game. You can play ShoppaHell in only the first game, while ShoppaNeon being played in the second game. No more rules for 'em. (just the map restriction :P)

While the pdf says:


You are only allowed to play on any shoppa maps with only a water spot. Ropes would be a great example. It only has one water spot on the left bottom of the map. A not so good example would be ShoppaKing. It has three water spots, there are two on the left side and another one on the right side.


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Oh, the pdf doc is newest and most updated one. So, it would be better if you read them as the link will be update once it has been changed.

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- Я КруТ --FAKE
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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): - Я КруТ -
Team Name: ★
Country: not important !

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my team copyed and i change The Ninja -> -(The Ninja)-

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There seems to be an error in the pdf.

Note: Each win gives you 3 points. Each defeat gives you 1 point. 1st and 2nd placeholders for each group will be featuring in next stage.

Why a defeat should give us a point!?

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Because at least, they played the game. Unlike some people that gone inactive when the tournament games are on.

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Doesn't it make it more complicated?

While as of right now there is no such thing as "qualifiers" I suppose anyone could register and be inactive.

The inactives ones simply lose I suppose (or be replaced by another player idk) but I don't see why the "active" ones need a point to be "rewarded".


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Please think.

Went for a defeat is not similar to went for 'no game'. Those who has been defeated is far better than those who has been inactive.

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Shoppa Cup Application
Name (nick):cri.thegrinch
Team Name:Scacacazzi
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: lots of hours.. Wink Smiley

I Hate Christmas timeeee.. Santa! is dead!

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maybe if there are some places...

Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): lollkiller
Team Name : Drug
Country : French
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: a lot of...

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Thanks for the explanations.
Also one more thing, there are 2 (or even 3 rounds) with each opponent in the same group. So will the points be rewarded after the (2 or 3) games are all finished with the same opponent, Or after each game (per round with the same opponent).
samy vs sparkles:
round 1: samy wins, sparkles loses
round 2: samy loses, sparkles wins
round 3 : samy wins, sparkles loses

will I get 3 points, and sparkles 1, or will I get 7 points and sparkles 4?

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@Samy: You will get 3 points and sparkles get 1.

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Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): krammer
Team Name : The Numbers
Country : Spain
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: more than my girlfriend wants

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krammer allegedly wrote:

Shoppa Cup Application

Name (nick): krammer
Team Name : The Numbers
Country : Spain
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: more than my girlfriend wants

more than my girlfriend wants.. lols..

I Hate Christmas timeeee.. Santa! is dead!

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I am hereby revoking my application in the Shoppa Cup, I won't be competing in it. A PM has also been send to the Tournament Organization Team.

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OMG, this shitty website won’t let me download the PDF file. Upload it on some non-broken website. And why do I have to download a PDF in the first place? You just could write its text right into the post.

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@Wuzzy: There are some tables in it and I can't transfer them down into the thread. Never insult No wonder they didn't let you to download the file. As for it, I could upload the pdf document to Mediafire? I'm going to say no, mediafire burns my brain (and my pc, too).


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Name (nick): Schoddie
Team Name : Area 51
Country : Germany
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: from 3 to 10 h or more

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Ziddu is insulting my eye. And it doesn’t work, this website is simply broken.

So you refuse to upload it somewhere else. Okay. Then please just send it to me per e-mail attachment

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Drop by IRC if you like, I can rehost your pdf on hedgewars or my website I guess...

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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@Wuzzy: I will work on it with nemo. So, if there are still people that having the problems as yours, they can refer to this.

@nemo: I will touch you on IRC at any moment by today. Smile

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