[Themes] All my themes + WIP

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Wuzzy's picture
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Please fix the object masks in Sky and Factory.

I have now re-reviewed all your official themes.

Sorry, but I still don't want to include this. But the good news is: There are only two important flaws remaining. If these get fixed, I have no more excuses left.

I identified problems with some of your object masks.

Using the ImageMagick program, I looked at the color histograms of each mask. These masks I found to be problematic:



$ identify -verbose Belt_mask.png | grep -A10 Histogram
4: ( 0, 0, 0, 6) #00000006 srgba(0,0,0,0.0235294)
3: ( 0, 0, 0, 5) #00000005 srgba(0,0,0,0.0196078)
2: ( 0, 0, 0, 13) #0000000D srgba(0,0,0,0.0509804)
2: ( 0, 0, 0, 2) #00000002 srgba(0,0,0,0.00784314)
1: ( 0, 0, 0, 7) #00000007 srgba(0,0,0,0.027451)
1: ( 0, 0, 0, 1) #00000001 srgba(0,0,0,0.00392157)
4982: ( 0, 0,255,255) #0000FFFF blue
3431: (255,255,255, 0) #FFFFFF00 srgba(255,255,255,0)
550: (255,255,255,255) #FFFFFFFF white

How to read:
The color is in RGBA format.
The number before the colon is the number of pixels.

So, as you see, a few pixels have an invalid color (alpha is neither 0 nor 255).



$ identify -verbose Raincloud_mask.png | grep -A30 Histogram

21488: ( 0, 0, 0,255) #000000FF black
2035: ( 0, 0,255,255) #0000FFFF blue
2: ( 0, 0,255, 2) #0000FF02 srgba(0,0,255,0.00784314)
17: ( 0, 30, 33, 6) #001E2106 srgba(0,30,33,0.0235294)
14: ( 0, 30, 33, 2) #001E2102 srgba(0,30,33,0.00784314)
12: ( 0, 30, 33, 4) #001E2104 srgba(0,30,33,0.0156863)
9: ( 0, 30, 33, 18) #001E2112 srgba(0,30,33,0.0705882)
8: ( 0, 30, 33, 10) #001E210A srgba(0,30,33,0.0392157)
7: ( 0, 30, 33, 23) #001E2117 srgba(0,30,33,0.0901961)
5: ( 0, 30, 33, 29) #001E211D srgba(0,30,33,0.113725)
5: ( 0, 30, 33, 8) #001E2108 srgba(0,30,33,0.0313725)
4: ( 0, 30, 33, 22) #001E2116 srgba(0,30,33,0.0862745)
3: ( 0, 30, 33, 27) #001E211B srgba(0,30,33,0.105882)
3: ( 0, 30, 33, 25) #001E2119 srgba(0,30,33,0.0980392)
3: ( 0, 30, 33, 16) #001E2110 srgba(0,30,33,0.0627451)
3: ( 0, 30, 33, 14) #001E210E srgba(0,30,33,0.054902)
3: ( 0, 30, 33, 12) #001E210C srgba(0,30,33,0.0470588)
2: ( 0, 30, 33, 20) #001E2114 srgba(0,30,33,0.0784314)
4: ( 0,128,255, 16) #0080FF10 srgba(0,128,255,0.0627451)
2: ( 0,128,255, 12) #0080FF0C srgba(0,128,255,0.0470588)
2: ( 64,128,255, 8) #4080FF08 srgba(64,128,255,0.0313725)
2: ( 85,170,255, 18) #55AAFF12 srgba(85,170,255,0.0705882)
2: ( 85,170,255, 12) #55AAFF0C srgba(85,170,255,0.0470588)
3: (128,128,255, 4) #8080FF04 srgba(128,128,255,0.0156863)
1: (128,182,255, 27) #80B6FF1B srgba(128,182,255,0.105882)
4: (128,191,255, 16) #80BFFF10 srgba(128,191,255,0.0627451)
2: (154,164,229, 6) #9AA4E506 srgba(154,164,229,0.0235294)
1: (154,164,229, 14) #9AA4E50E srgba(154,164,229,0.054902)
1: (154,164,229, 12) #9AA4E50C srgba(154,164,229,0.0470588)
1: (154,164,229, 10) #9AA4E50A srgba(154,164,229,0.0392157)

This has color values all over the place and needs to be redone.

Remember, masks must only have the color values listed here: https://hedgewars.org/kb/PresetMaps#mask.png

I ask you to fix these masks. More information here:

If you're still confused, talk to nemo in IRC.

Aside from that, the other official themes are fine for me now. Nemo also doesn't object. Maybe I'll ask CopherNeue if (!) I get the chance, but I won't wait for months for CopherNeue to appear.

Here are some other comments on your themes (none of these are rejection reasons):

  • Crystal: Using a crystal as “mudball” is an odd idea Big Grin
  • There are hard borders with very visible pixel (no anti-aliasing) for a few images: Sudden Death Water in Beehive and Sanctuary. And Rubber in Factory. Good style would be to smoothen these hard pixels out (just compare to the default water image)
  • Factory flakes have now disappeared completely (even in SD). Sad. Sad Smiley
  • Factory: I was surprised to find that the belt is slippery. It may come unexpected to players, but the idea is actually quite clever.
  • I don't like that you don't use flakes in some themes. I don't see a reason. . Flakes not only make the theme look more “alive”, they also have a gameplay function: They (subtly) communicate to the player where the wind goes and if we're in Sudden Death. So flakes are quite useful. Themes like Art should be an exception, not the rule.
  • Factory: The leaking pipe is now much better
  • Factory: The water color is now much better
  • Sanctuary: The golden angel wings (land object) look too sharp
  • Sanctuary: Talizman.png doesn't really go well togther with the land texture. It obviously looks like it's just painted over. What is this supposed to be? A spray tag? A poster? in either case it just “feels” wrong. I suggest to either remove it or improve it
  • Sanctuary: Land texture is … meh. It's not bad, but IMO could be improved. I don't know what, but something is weird about the cracks
  • Sanctuary: The girders and the land border are quite clever. I like them
  • Sancturay: Overall impression is okay. I would definitely play on it
  • Sky: The land texture is a bit weird. Especially the border texture looks to sharp. I'm not sure if there's an easy fix.
  • Sky: Some land objects are OK, but I don't like the rain and storm cloud. The lightning is ugly and the raindrops are too basic.
  • Sky: The sky castle is too simple for my taste. Also I would like it more if it was tilted a bit. This is because it makes it possible for hogs to climb. Otherwise it's like a barrier. Most other themes normally don't use objects which are perfectly straight up. But if this is intentional, that's OK, too.
  • Sky: Sadly, you can see the image boundary at the bottom of the beanstalk if you just move the camera slightly up.
  • Sky: The cloud water is simple but well made
  • Sky: Overall impression is not so good. This is my least favourite of the collection
  • Slime: The theme icon has an pixelated border and looks out of place.
  • I think my most favourite of your themes is Belly.
  • Overall impression of all official themes: I will definitely keep all of them. Good job!
  • From the unofficial themes, I only really like Bowser, followed by Zombie (from an artistic perspective). The other themes are very strange.

These were my comments. You don't have to fix any of this. The only thing I'm really interested in now is that the masks get fixed. I'm not an artist, so I hope some other people (especially CopherNeue!) will post feedback on your recent themes as well.
I don't want to include the unofficial themes in DLC. Too much weirdness going on. But mainly because of copyright (Bowser, Sudra, Grindea. Not sure about the others).

Some final words about the music:
Expect that I don't include any of the music. From the list it seems like pretty much all music files are from proprietary, copyrighted games from large corporations. We can't just distribute these (sorry, we need to cover our asses legally! Wink Smiley).
If any of the music turns out to be unproblematic, please show evidence for that.

Here's the list of “fallback music” I would choose:

  • Sky: pirate.ogg
  • Beehive: Fruit.ogg
  • Belly: EarthRise.ogg
  • Crystal: snow.ogg
  • Dreamland: Fruit.ogg
  • Factory: City.ogg
  • Fire: Freeway.ogg (Sudden Death: hell.ogg)
  • Sanctuary: Nature.ogg (Sudden Death: hell.ogg)
  • Slime: EarthRise.ogg

I have briefly playtested all of these.

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KoBeWi's picture
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Thanks for the review Wuzzy!

I remember we talked about the masks in Sky and ultimately I didn't fix it for some reason (although not sure if there was something about wrong colors). Fixed it, but why is actually so important? Wrong colors are just non-solid in game and if it's few pixels, makes not much difference.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
There are hard borders with very visible pixel (no anti-aliasing) for a few images: Sudden Death Water in Beehive and Sanctuary
Yeah, I added them in GIMP and forgot to smooth it. (actually, SD water in Beehive has some anti-aliasing...)

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Factory flakes have now disappeared completely (even in SD).
Factory had flakes only in SD, but they were there only due to a bug which actually looked good. There was some glitch causing SD flakes to appear floating on water surface if you didn't specify sd-flakes or something. I hated it in most themes, but for Factory, I changed the default bones to green color and it actually was nice. But the bug was fixed, so I removed the flakes completely
¯\_( •_•)_/¯

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Factory: I was surprised to find that the belt is slippery. It may come unexpected to players, but the idea is actually quite clever.
Isn't it? Big Grin
I showed it on one of the first gifs from Factory. It's in this topic.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I don't like that you don't use flakes in some themes. I don't see a reason. . Flakes not only make the theme look more “alive”, they also have a gameplay function
I don't quite agree on the gameplay function. There's a wind indicator and SD flakes really indicate SD only if they are default.
I've put flakes wherever I felt like they fit and most importantly, I had idea how should they look. They might downfall, upfall, nofall (also, Sky flakes are actually clouds). Whatever adds anything to general theme's "feel". I agree that they usually make themes more alive. I'm especially dissatisfied with Slime theme, because it has no flakes (except nice SD) nor a horizon and feels a bit... empty. I might try to think of some more flakes to add.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sanctuary: The golden angel wings (land object) look too sharp
What do you mean by sharp? >_>

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sanctuary: Talizman.png doesn't really go well togther with the land texture. It obviously looks like it's just painted over. What is this supposed to be? A spray tag? A poster?
I'm not sure either. I wanted to add one of these Japanese protection talismans, but failed to avoid making it look out of place.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sanctuary: Land texture is … meh. It's not bad, but IMO could be improved.
Uh, I don't much like it too, but I spent too much time making it ;_;
Would removing cracks be enough?

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sanctuary: The girders and the land border are quite clever. I like them
Huh, really?

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sky: The land texture is a bit weird. Especially the border texture looks to sharp. I'm not sure if there's an easy fix.
I totally didn't fix it 3 times already ;_;

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sky: Some land objects are OK, but I don't like the rain and storm cloud. The lightning is ugly
But lightning looks cool :/ Best one I ever drawn.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sky: The sky castle is too simple for my taste. Also I would like it more if it was tilted a bit. This is because it makes it possible for hogs to climb. Otherwise it's like a barrier. Most other themes normally don't use objects which are perfectly straight up. But if this is intentional, that's OK, too.
I never actually cared about passability. The only thing I ever tilted for that reason was the house in Dreamland theme. The fact that castle is straight is obviously intentional.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Sky: Sadly, you can see the image boundary at the bottom of the beanstalk if you just move the camera slightly up.
Well, doesn't look that bad actually. The bottom is below water line. As long as it doesn't appear on sky (above the white water rectangle), it looks ok. Has 3D feel too.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I think my most favourite of your themes is Belly.
Ironic, this one was first I made.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
From the unofficial themes, I only really like Bowser, followed by Zombie (from an artistic perspective). The other themes are very strange.
What's the problem with strange themes? >_>

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I don't want to include the unofficial themes in DLC. Too much weirdness going on. But mainly because of copyright (Bowser, Sudra, Grindea. Not sure about the others).
Uh, but DLC is not officially part of the game. In case of copyright problems, you'd just need to remove it from DLC page. Dunno, someone definitely said that it's not problem as DLC, but only in official inclusion.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Expect that I don't include any of the music.
Any possibility for me to host the music separately, so you'd just put a proper link on the DLC page pointing that? (especially if the fallback feature you suggested on bugzilla appears in game) The music is integral part of the themes and they are not the same without it.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
If any of the music turns out to be unproblematic, please show evidence for that.
Few of the would, but that's not worth it.

Also fun fact: I originally made "official" releases of my themes, which included SVGs and "non-problematic" music, but after it turned out they will never be officially in Hedgewars, I gave up on doing that.

I'll try to fix some of the issues you pointed.

Lyberta's picture
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:
The music is integral part of the themes and they are not the same without it.

No, it's not. I play with music disabled and never felt that I miss something.

KoBeWi's picture
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Ok, update.
Dreamland: new water animation in SD
Factory: fixed rubber border
Sanctuary: added flakes (adapted from Sheep theme), fixed talisman and SD water outline
Sky: completely reworked castle, improved rain cloud, fixed masks
Slime: added flakes (adapted from Bath theme with nice animation) and fixed icon
Chalk: removed SD flakes
Evergrind Fields: added flakes and SD flakes

New download:
Official: https://ufile.io/zekq4
Unofficial: https://ufile.io/3zbn6

Lyberta allegedly wrote:
I play with music disabled and never felt that I miss something.
Did you try it WITH music tho? Obviously you will not know the difference if you never hear it.

btw, I didn't add flakes to Factory, because I figured that it doesn't need them if there are clouds. Also Wuzzy, you were wrong about flakes in default themes. Desert and Cheese miss them too. I went over all themes, and the flakes are mostly subtle/creative, though there are themes where they feel forced and unnecessary (e.g. Cake) and that's what I wanted to avoid. Also, there are like 5 themes that use almost the same leaf flakes, probably for the sake of having flakes.

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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:
Did you try it WITH music tho? Obviously you will not know the difference if you never hear it.

Feels weird. But that's me.

Wuzzy's picture
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Official themes have been added in DLC. Enjoy.

I'm sorry for the extremely long wait. Sad Smiley

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KoBeWi's picture
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Thanks for the DLC inclusion, I can finally see someone actually playing my themes.

I moved list of themes from my signature to this topic, because of the clutter it was making. It made sense when there was just 3 of them, but not anymore XD

(btw, I finally updated all the single-theme downloads)

Wuzzy's picture
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For your interest: I recently added fallback-music and fallback-sd-music support for theme.cfg.

This allows you to set your desired custom music while still making sure the theme always plays some music even if the custom music is missing for some reason.

Read more here: http://hedgewars.org/kb/ThemeCfg

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I've been neglecting Hedgewars for past months, but I managed to find some time recently and do some work on my new Theme Editor. It's close to being finished, missing some not-very-important features. I could actually make a beta release now, but I just posted a teaser, so let's wait 1 or 2 days :v

Anyways, I mentioned my editor, because I just went over ALL of my themes with the editor and set a fallback music. With this change, using my custom music is optional and it's now a separate download (99MB, while all themes take just 14MB). Would be nice if the official themes DLC got updated and had the music pack linked in description.

All downloads are in first post.

Wuzzy's picture
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Seems like implementing support for fallback music has finally paid off. Smile

EDIT: Hmmm. Mega.nz seems broken, download's not working for me.

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EDIT: Hmmm. Mega.nz seems broken, download's not working for me.
Eh, do you know any host that doesn't cause problems? (works for me btw)
Self-hosting is not an option.

Wuzzy's picture
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MediaFire works for me. Good you picked two hosters.

Belly_v2 has become suddenly very ugly. The theme.cfg is almost empty. Seems you accidentally erased it.

Sadly, I have to inform you that you didn't specify a SD fallback music for most themes. It defaults to silence, NOT sdmusic.ogg. So the SD music will be silent for most themes if the music is missing.

But I admit this is stupid behaviour from Hedgewars. So I have just fixed it in the dev version. In 1.0.0, Sudden Death music will fallback to sdmusic.ogg by default, unless specified otherwise.

EDIT: Also, in your HWPs you have the "Data/" directory at the top level. This is wrong. HWPs are supposed to start one level deeper. You need to drop the Themes directory (and others) at the top level.

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KoBeWi's picture
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OMG, fixed Aghh
Hopefully there aren't any more broken themes.

There was. The same one .-.
It was missing SD clouds for whatever reason.

So, uh, updated Slime to v4, because I forgot to turn on ice.

Wuzzy's picture
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The water in Belly_v2 is still broken. Still mostly empty theme.cfg.

I downloaded from here: https://ufile.io/4uhom9tj

Sorry, with this bug I cannot update DLC.

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KoBeWi's picture
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OMG, managing this is horrible. Check if it works now.

Wuzzy's picture
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Thank you for updating. The new version is now on DLC. Sorry for the long wait.

Thank you for your hard work on the themes. Smile

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KoBeWi's picture
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I wouldn't call it hard work XD
I haven't made anything new for like 2 years.

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