Gimme a map idea, plox!
Fri, 2008-12-05 16:19
Hey I know my skills at graphics, but my mind is empty. I just need an idea to realize. I'm not inventor, but executor. Gimme a hand, spill any ideas you have, please!
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Well, I love to make ideas, but I'm too lazy and inexperienced to realize them... so here are two: a Hedgewars OS, or disco map (a microphone, disco light, a stage, etc.)
Well teh os is weird, and too plane, but the disco worth to think about, thanx!
P.S. sorry for mah language, i'm drunk a bit.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
What about some castles or headquarters?
there are already castles
What about big city scene? Sky Scrappers and stuff. Highway is a nice map, but it's not quite a same thing.
Other idea: a rural scene. A barn and wooden fences.
"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top
Already got me a list, lol!
One or two are likely to have already been suggested and the things in the (brackets) were notes for me, but they might help you.
MAP IDEAS | (Notes):
Jungle (Totem Pole in middle, maybe?)
Computer Desk
Pikachu or Pokémon (Copyright issues?)
IE7 vs Firefox (Copyright issues?)
Gunz (Array of weaponry from the game big enough to stand on)
Holographical (Using green horizontal scanlines)
"Wild hog" (Hedgehog on a motorbike)
Paris (unorigional map Idea, was used in worms armageddon...)
Boat(s) at sea ("Sailin' away")
Hedgewars homepage (when it's been updated, of course)
A Town (Old/Broken down)
Marshmallow (Could be a theme instead)
Cowboy/Western scene
Christmas Tree (Do it before xmas, god-damnit!)
Easter (Eggs/Bunny?)
Hedgewars OS (Like windows, but hogs instead)
World Map
Space (Stars + Moon)
Cityscape (nighttime, some light on in windows, street lamps making atmosphere etc)
Prison (or cages, just might not be fun to play)
World landmarks (Big ben, Eiffel tower, Statue of liberty etc.)
Heaven (or on clouds?
Antartica (Ice, penguins? and use snow theme)
A Dragon's Den
Nuke spilliage
Giant Boot (house)
Of course, if you use any, post here before you start, otherwise I might already be working on one. :P
Whoa, I wasn't expecting this load of help, thanx! If i pick of of your ideas, i'll make sure to tell you.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
No problem!
Just wondering, you got MSN messenger? or use IRC..?
Nope. I only have Icq.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Damn, nvm.
Decided on a map to start on yet?
I'm currently finishing up the cake theme.
Well I can't decide till i try and see if i'm capable.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Okay. I feel like mapping tonight, which one do you (or anyone else, if they read this in time) think I should do..?
Nice list. I vote for Antartica.
Ice & igloos. White and blue. It could be a bit complicated, but its worth it. 
What about China. Old buildings, cherry trees and similar?
That could be interesting.
Or maybe a Soviet theme.
"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top
When I'm ready to start, I guess I'll be doing me the antartic map, It'll be alot easier than you make it sound, theres already a snow theme
Thought of china map 10 times. Even stated to make it. But forsaken. Also cherry trees are something about Japan.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
heh, maybe someone else could do an oriental themed map.
Or me, but I bet my outcome would SUCK lol.
Never say that.
I'm started to make a Druidae Theme.

Here's the only spoiler.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
...That's somewhat brilliant!
Totem statue inspired by the jungle idea..?
I'll get to work on a map soon, when I finally decide which one to do, I don;t feel like doing the antartic one :S lol
Added after 4 minuts 4 seconds:
Another Idea:
Alien invasion, Battle on some UFO's or something? Could use the earthrise theme to go with it.
Lol, I shoud have some crap relating to alien theme. I was working on it some time ago. But stopped for some reason.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Mind if I take a look? Might be motivational to get me actually working xD
Well, I'm not sure if it still exists. And it realy has nothing to look at. Except for shrooms. I'll post it if i manage to come across.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Lawl, never mind then.
Any update on the Druidae themed map?
Yep. I'll Better PM you. Not to spoil the secret.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
And those samples are awesome! are they for a theme of a map..?
For a theme. I plan to release both theme and map at the same time. And I need to talk to our graphics divine.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Get an IRC client then.
It's the easiest way ^_^
You might want to 'carve' this map (and theme!) out.
A wooden statue of a hedgehog in the process of being carved, and perhaps tools all over the floor.
The theme should have a wooden texture, and the 'plants' should be tools and wooden peels.
Sounds funky, Although I know I'd somewhat epically fail at doing that theme... :P
Hows the Druidae Theme going..?
err. I'm a lazy bastard. I've revieved that crap i made. It needs tons of tuning. Thats why i switched to making 2 other maps. Hows you x-mas map btw?
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Can anyone give me back the old forum. This shit sux. I doblepressed the button and it made 2 posts. Futhermore i can't delete the unneded one so i use it to express mah anger.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Oh wow, we finally have an edit button :O
Anyways, I agree tbh, this new stuffs awkward.
I'm also a lazy bastard, no progress. But I've had important stuff recently, and when I've not been busy I've just been chillin' out, lol.. :P
Drum kit, or complete stage-Opposite cymbals could be bases.
Interior of a computer.
Maya Temple
- a bit like but frontal and more fancy/comic style
Ballon Ship
- fairytale style, a bit dark, a bit like could be awesome with CrazyMissions sky.png
Anything with the druidae theme?
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Can you please stop bumping every thread in existence?
I suspect they are trying to get together as much as they can for an imminent release of the next Hedgewars.
I suggest skilled artists to check out the following 33 themes for implementation. The word in bold is a proposed title. Grouped by category:
Cheese | Cheese 2
Honeycomb | Beehive
Digital | Virtualized | Inside the Computer | MatriX | CircuitBoard | Teknologi
Olympics | Pompeii
Belly | Veins | Doktor
You're welcome!
Have a melon.