sheepluva's blog
Random dev-screenie of the day
BehindTheHedge: Random Maps
Happy Easter!
Hedgewars evolves! (April fools)
We recently received a letter from PETA concerning how hedgehogs are presented in our game.
Here's an excerpt of above mentioned letter:
We were severely shocked when we found out about "Hedge Wars".
It is disgusting that the game encourages physical abuse and killing of hedgehogs !
Animal brutality is no laughing matter.While your players are having fun killing hedgehogs in the game, those innocent animals are facing possible extinction as we speak !
Don't you have ANY conscience when it comes to other living beings?If you do like hedgehogs you should instead help spreading awareness about their real-life grave situation rather than slaughtering them in digital form.
After quite a lot of discussion we realized that their concern was valid and that we want our game to have a positive impact on ethical thinking, rather than a negative one.
Eventually we decided to replace the hedgehogs on the front-line with TOMATOES, starting next release!!!
Also we decided to keep our beloved hedgehogs as the overseers of the tomato wars (just not involved into combat directly).
Bottom line: we will keep our dear spikey friends around without having a single one of them getting hurt anymore
Yours truly,
The Hedgewars*-Team
* now with more vitamins!
random dev screenshot again
Enjoy a preview screenshot of the upcoming cave theme.
This theme was drawn and created by Guillaume Englert <3.