Me messing around in 0.9.13
Background music is whatever i had playing in spotify
0.9.12 Tournament, Round #2 coming up
Weee, that first tournament round is finally complete. Well, mostly complete.
I didn't hear from jackyf, LnxTx, macgeek417, Anima, nickylew and michael so I have no choice but to kick all of them. Hopefully, this next round will be more successfull!
What else happened in the first round? Since a lot of players had issues getting their matches sorted we did extended it by one week and most of them had their matches these last few days.
We have two team changes which i allowed as exceptions. First, mr. a will play with Tonio from now on since Mr. Capslock was unresponsive. Secondly, GMLudo teamed up with schischa since Jordan couldn't be found for their match.
Accordingly, the upcoming matches are:
RM's WienerWürstchen & MM's Wienerwürstchen
MadT & jessor
artart78 & MKK-Bote
claymore & pterodaktill
BHW0011 & Hedgeking
Tiyuri & Firefox
Kaan & dctPL
Thomas1 & Stukr
schischa & GMLudo
mr. a & Tonio
llapingachos & pschyrum as well as O00 & slash will have to sit this one out :\
0.9.12 Tournament Coordination
Wohoo, thanks for signing up folks! This is going to be fun. The ladder is here.
Unfortunately, a lot of the matches (about 1/3) didn't happen in this last week for various reasons. Therefor we are extending Round #1 for another week, you have until Sunday, the 29th of November, to play your matches.
Please subscribe to our twitter account to get early announcements of upcoming streams which are going to be available on this page.
So how is this going to work? All players, please read on carefully.
0.9.12 Tournament Registration, Sign Up Now
You were waiting for it and here it comes: in the coming weeks, we'll host the third official Hedgewars tournament to celebrate the latest 0.9.12 release!
We got some special features in store for you this time, among them livestreams and commentary and special rounds.
It'll be 2v2 again, two players will form 1 team and play against other teams. If you can't find a partner, sign up anyways. You can team up in the comments or I'll assign someone to you.
The tournament will begin on Monday, the 16th of November and the first round will run through the next week until Sunday, the 22nd of November. The following rounds will be in subsequent weeks.
Simply make a user account on this site (if you're a forum member you should already have one) and leave a comment to this post. It should include your player name and the name of your team as well as your partner's player and team name. Signup will be open until Sunday, the 15th of November at 23:00 CET. Please respect that deadline this time (;
Will be similar to the ones of the second tournament, but better (: More on them will follow next week.
Oh, you mean besides fame and glory beyond your wildest imagination? Well, there will be visual indication on your site profile and, when EXP is implemented, you'll profit from your win, too.
This one's gonna be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to see great matches. I hope to have all of you signing up!