Hats! additions, submissions, information.

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Uriah's picture
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So, the SVN build of hedgewars now has hat support. You will be able to customize your hedgehogs with headgear/accessories, on a per hedgehog basis.
This means your team will be more unique than ever!

Hats only appear when hedgehogs are idle, but it's a means of distinguishing them from one another.

Here's an example of Samurai Hats in game

Now, the purpose of this thread is to build up the hat collection, I'm hoping to get at least 60 hats in the next version. The vast majority of these will be drawn by myself and other established contributors.
However, we'd like to invite you to draw your own.

A warning before you consider submitting a hat:

Not all hats will be accepted, no matter how hard you work on them. If the hat doesn't pass my personal quality standards, or doesn't fit the "Hedgewars graphics style" it won't be included in the official release. I would suggest that anyone who would be particularly heartbroken about their hat not being officially included should probably not submit one. I'm very picky and have high standards. That said - I will be offering aid and advice to anyone who's interested in taking part!

Now that's out of the way, how do hats in Hedgewars work?

Well, firstly you must animate the hat to move with each frame of the Hedgehogs idle animation. Whilst I know this is a little extra work (just some copy and paste/positioning generally) it does allow for some flexibility, for example, if you were to draw a hat with long hair, it could bounce as the hedgehog bounces.

Here is an example of how the Samurai Hat is drawn

To position the frames correctly I overlayed them on this image, and then removed the hedgehog layer afterwards.

Here you can see how I've lined the hat up with the eyes

These images are shrunk down in size, just for demonstration. You can find the original idle image, repositioned and at the correct size here:
Please use this image and not the idle.png image from your hedgewars folder for fitting hats


The red areas on this template are used for the tip of the hat below, meaning hats can be tall and overlap the hedgehog above, but they can not come down below the hedgehogs feet.

Edit by Palewolf:
If you're a Inkscape user you may want to use following SVG file as a start for your designs. It has a hat placeholder on the first frame, which is cloned to all the other frames, thus keeping you from copying/placing it over and over.
Last frame still will need editing as the hog eyes change there.
A separate layer containing a mask for the right hand is included in case your hat is covered by it.
SVG template

So, submit your hats in this thread, in the right format and size. and we'll see what gets included.
You can also submit ideas, comments on other peoples/my own hats. Or any questions.

Have fun!

Current Hats

Click here to see a dynamic page of all hats currently in the code repository of hedgewars

Uriah's picture
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Why so serious?

You can see a large portion of current hat choices here:

daimadoshi85's picture
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Tiyuri, do you remember the spartan hat I asked you a few time ago?Will you do it? Smile)

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Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

Palewolf's picture
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I was already making an spartan hat, hope you like it Wink Smiley


Uriah's picture
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Nice work, will be included in official list.

I also made a list of current hats in the first post, as requested in PM.

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daimadoshi85's picture
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...I think I love all of you..

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

Palewolf's picture
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Uriah's picture
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Absolutely excellent, very well drawn, fit the hedgewars style perfectly.
Well done, included them all.

Uriah's picture
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Oh also guys, for the time being I'd like to ask no one to uploads hats to the SVN. Just post them here Smile
I'll put everything up at once.

Palewolf's picture
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Thank you, I'll keep working on it now I have some free time to spare Smile

Uriah's picture
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If you'd like to work with me palewolf, to make sure hats aren't duplicated. You could always join

irc.gamesurge.net #gwpickup


irc.freenode.net #hedgewars

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Palewolf's work

Palewolf's picture
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Brain-sucking citrics from outer space:

Orange hat:

Lemon hat:

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Palewolf, you are making great graphics, I'm glad hedgewars has now two good graphic designers Smile. Welcome.

btw. I would like to see Vivi's hat. Vivi is one of Final Fantasy's 9 characters. Check it out.


Firstly I wanted to call it witch's hat but Vivi's one is a special one Smile.

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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I've got some ideas too:

DrDickens's picture
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The budenovka&pilotka should also be great, lol!

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Palewolf's picture
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2 more hats to complete a 4-member fruit team:

Apple hat:

Banana hat:

Thanks Tiyuri for all your feedback Smile

Now i'm finished with fruits (more will be coming to complete Fruits team), this is my little todo list:
- Stormtrooper hat (maybe Darth Maul & Chewaca too)
- Elvis hat
- Cherokee hat

Some more ideas:
- Undead hats... wouldn't be nice to have Frankiehog, Zombiehog, Wolverinehog, Vampirehog... a complete undead team set?
- World countries hats - torero, chinese coolie, russian ushanka, english royal guards... although i'm not very much into this as some people may be offended by it
- Nerd hats - Who doesn't love nerds?

I'm glad you liked them, I enjoyed drawing too.
A friend of mine had his cars gasoline tap painted with exactly that Vivi's image Smile Vivi's hat would be really nice, although I can't imagine him without his coat

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Palewolf allegedly wrote:
A friend of mine had his cars gasoline tap painted with exactly that Vivi's image Smile Vivi's hat would be really nice, although I can't imagine him without his coat


XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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Bandit "Hat":


You guys took all the good ideas... Big Grin

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Very good new features Smile All the hats look very good !


Palewolf's picture
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For those using Inkscape (although it may be used on others svg editors like Sodipodi, but I'm not sure), here's the template I use for my hats:
EDIT: the old link was dead, i updated the first post of this thread to include the SVG template

It's layered and all hats are cloned/linked to first one so there's no need to copy&paste, editing top one will replicate changes to all others. Also all hats are grouped so you can easily move them all at once. lThere's also a mask in mask layer so you can mask hats group to let foremost hand show.

Hope it helps anybody.

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harmless911's picture
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I put one of the hats in the graphics\hats folder in the svn build. But when I start the game, they don't appear in the edit team section. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

Palewolf's picture
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I've tested samurai hat and my hats both in Linux and Windows... where exactly are you putting them?

Something similar happened to my at first in Linux: svn version's data is located at /usr/local/share instead of /usr/share unlike rpm version... which is quite fine in fact because that way I can have both versions installed at the same time.

harmless911's picture
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I put it into \share\hedgewars\data\graphics\hats.

DrDickens's picture
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Er... Did you compile the latest sources?

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
Er... Did you compile the latest sources?


daimadoshi85's picture
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When will hats (not all, just some of them) be added to svn? I can't wait!! :lol:

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

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DrDickens's picture
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FKKKING Amazing! You ruin Tiyuri's plans! There will be much more then 60 hats he planned, if you continue working that hard, lol!

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How about some tribal masks like:


How about grandfather's mask from "Courage the Cowardly Dog", I like it sooooooo much(saying "ugabugabuga" lol Big Grin, it can be a weapon in hedgewars for sure), you can see it here:

Btw. in SVN we see hedgehogs "hats" when aiming, it looks a little funny because hats are moving upside down a little. hedgehogs are still when aiming, you probably know that but I just wanted to mention that.

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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Palewolf's picture
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Ooops, wrong Royal guard hat, this is the right one:

Royal guard hat:

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Proceed, please!

I also would liek to see powerarmor helmet from fallout. I tried to draw it myself, but my skills failed.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

DrDickens's picture
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Ur so slow...

Slowpoke pokemon mask.
It's the very first job, so i'm awaiting some critics.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Palewolf's picture
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Hehe, Slowpoke looks good Smile

Maybe you should make him blink in the last frame... not sure tho, he has big open eyes...

Indian chief hat:

DrDickens's picture
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Thanks! But slowpoke is slow so it would take whole animation to blink.

And here's my new work:

A venom hedge!
I think it was very reckless idea to try and cover the whole hedge, as i'm a newbie, but it looks like a phail to me. Limbs deleted. Didn't change the screenshot.
P.S. tongue is animated also:P

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

DrDickens's picture
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Whoops. I guess i've failed. As i understood game won't read graphics at hedges feet. Shame.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

daimadoshi85's picture
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Venom is great Big Grin

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

DrDickens's picture
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Yo, check out my avatar! Not sure whether it fits the style. And its animated. The hat.png is not ready anyway.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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Uriah's picture
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Hello guys, I'm back. I've been sick for a while so I've not really been keeping up with things here.
But I've updated the thread now and it's time to get to work.

Dr Dickens and Palwolf, wonderful submissions. I like the cyborg hat Dickens, the style is close enough, if you give me the files I'll include it too.

We're getting close to release now!

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Nice hat Chujoii, consider it added!
I was going to tell you when I saw you on the official server today, but I just missed you Sad Smiley

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Emo Hair!

Zept's picture
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Hey everyone

Im new to Hedgewars, and It's a great game! Good job

but I missed some Ninja hats, haha, so I made some myself:


Ninja Full:


Ninja Straight:


Ninja Triangle:


I don't expect that you can use them as official hats (go ahead if you want to though), but if someone wants to use them, they are free to do so.

Thank you

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