As we get close to release...
Testers are appreciated, as ever.
There are already quite a few of you who I've been playing with in the evenings, and we've found a lot of minor issues while doing that.
Copy and paste build instructions for ubuntu/debian.
approximate feature list
Please file bugs on:
(check for existing reports first!)
Try testing new features and utilities/weapons. Try to come up with unanticipated behaviour combinations.
p.s. - for the hat creators.
Is the current list of hats.
Hats on:
that have red squares around them are ones that have pixel errors. Most of them it is subtle. Try changing to a light coloured or dark coloured theme. Some it is pretty clear.
Hopefully someone will fix them so they can be included. Otherwise, they will probably end up in a content pack on:
GSoC has ended
on Monday the 22nd GSoC has come to an end, or at least the coding part has.. :) All that remains is to submit the code to a google code project and to fill in some forms.
This does not mean I will stop working on the Android port, however, it will mean I won't be spending as much time on it, luckily the hard part is done :)
We've decided to set up an alpha version of the port to allow you guys to see what has been done.
Just to make it clear this is an Alpha version, it's far from a release version so expect it to crash and crash a lot. To minimize the amount of crashing remember:
* Click the download button first(you will want wifi for this) then start a game
* Some maps have a maximum hog limit, exceeding this limit will result in a crash
* make sure to create/add teams before starting a game.
The file is downloadable here: (use your android device to download it to the device and let android take care of the installing part)
People interested in the source check out the hedgeroid branch over at
GSoC Android Port update #6
for the last couple of days I've been working on the Touch interface. This will allow the Android port to use it's touchscreen to control Hedgewars.
I've been implementing the Touch interface on the engine side, which means any set up, which allows SDL to send SDL_Touch events to the engine, will be able to make use of this interface. Good news for wacom and other touchdevice users for several OSses :)
Here's a few preview:
I could use some of your help tough;
At the moment I've implemented pinch to zoom(check the video if you don't know what pinch is), 'swiping' to move the camera around and a single click or tap to open the ammo menu.
What other ways to interface with Hedgewars via a touch screen would do like to see?
Post in the comments or over here:
GSoC Android Port update #5
I've finished a mockup of the UI as shown by the video below:
As of this moment you can use the UI to select which map you'd like to use with which weapon set, and add/create teams to play.
The UI is still in it's early stages and lack support for Tablets for instance, but we're getting there.. :)
At the moment only AI vs AI is possible, you can enter human players but because the touch interfacting isn't done yet humans can't control their hogs. Implementing a way for touch screens to interface with Hedgewars is what I will be creating this week!
I've also created a build guide on the hedgewars wiki at for those interested in playing with the code.
GSoC Android Port update #4
Hello people,
It's been a while since I posted an update and this is mostly because I'm working on the GUI and communication with the hedgewars engine and I can't really say just yet that X or Y has been finished. However here's a little progress update after all.
In the previous post I stated that I would try to finish "Download of game files", "Get an AI vs AI game going" and "Implement interfacing with TouchScreens" I've postponed the last 2 points for now and I've finished the first one.
The first point, download of game files has indeed been finished.
There was an dilemma on how to implement it, on one side we'd like to include it in the .apk (the apk is the file you download to your phone which gets installed). The reason why this was favorable is that we don't have to host anything our self, we can upload it to the Android Market servers and they take care of everything. The .apk file would be around 75mb and you can see that it'll take up a lot of bandwidth if you have to host it yourself. This approach had two big problems: One the Android Market has a limit on the apk size: 50mb, this is too little for our needs and we'd have to split it into two separate apps. Meaning you, the user, would have to download two files from the market. Not ideal obviously. The second issue is that if we did manage to get all the data into one big apk, you, the user would have to download 50mb each time an update occurs, download 50mb worth of data which is on the device already.
Another approach is downloading of a webserver, really the only downside is the bandwidth we're gonna try to host it for us they do have a fair-policy limit but I'm guessing that one is pretty high.