Which weapon would you most like to see next?
Tue, 2008-07-08 20:12
If you could use any weapon in Hedgewars what would it be?
It could be your own idea or something we've seen before, I want to know what weapons are most popular as we expand our arsenal.
Describe exactly how your weapon works, good original ideas will be given a lot of consideration.
I think a very useful weapon that we are missing it's something like sheep and supersheep in worms; For people that has never played worms it's a sheep that goes to one direction and explode when player press space (supersheep it's similar but flies and player with arrows drives it). We must think about another animal then sheep, but it's just a begin.
I've thought about a weapon that create a copy of the hedgehog , to hit the enemy twice and do double damage. For example, I have a hedgehog enemy near my h, with this weapon I create a copy of my h on the other part of the enemy and I hit him with fire punch. I want to specify that when I select the weapon to use with the copy, I use it simultaneously.

I created this image to explain.
I create the copy where is the x, then I hit the enemy with fire punch (with both hedgehog), so the enemy has double damage and lose 60 points.
What do you think about it?
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
Wouldn't that be overpowered? Double Dynamite? Double Bazooka? Raising the potential damage (and range) of every weapon by two with no downsides sounds very overpowered to me, double airstrike?
No, no..sorry!I think then that weapons must be limited! Double Bazooka maybe we can keep it , but I think that grenades, mines , airstrike and dynamite cannot be used when I create copy.
We can think the copy like a 'mirror', it does what we do. So if you put the copy far from the enemy it's difficult you will hit him, because the direction of bazooka is specular to the 'original' hedgehog.
Another thing, copy cannot move (so you must keep attention to where you want to put it)
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
Or you can simply make it the same thing as a dynamite (maybe weaker), only has no timer, detonates on second press of space.
Thank you!
RDE is a great idea!
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
I don't like your idea. Sorry. Overpowered.
Do we only talk about users weapon ideas in this topic? If not I miss the most:
uzi(max 50 damage)
minigun(max 75 damage)
homing missile
longbow(i miss it so much, not big damage(2x15 points) but it was great to "push" enemy's worms into the water, also, was good to make arrow-bridges)
And some "utilities":
laser sight
crate spy(lasts until the end of the round, allows the team to reveal, the contents of any crates around the landscape)
I also miss explosions with words inside, like here on the bottom:
XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253
No problem, it was just an idea
Anyway I miss also holy grenade, and I think that flames should do more damage.
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
Jet pack, I've got worms for my DS and it's the weapon I find the most useful.
Super sheep & old women are good as well.
As for a new non worms weapon, how about a water bomb which dropped fills up the scenery water cache's, drowning any affected worms. (I also think rain should accumulate in pockets as well)
Well, why not if it was a disabled weapon in default configuration ? (just like the "aerial mines")
I think of Worms, there was a lot of very powerful weapons that were very fun to play, and the classical weapons were still used in "classical" games because they were the only ones allowed in those kind of games. Thus, you are free to choose the way you want to play.
I also agree with the funny weapons just like sheeps, old women, and so on...
But I agree that's not something very important.
holly granade and banana bomb
Hm I would like to see:
sheep which is flying around, controlled by the player
Banana bomb - a weapon with great power but which is not much controlled by the player (it clusters bounces a lot)
Holy grenade - grenade with big bang
Jet pack - it would be nice to be able to fly around
Some more guns - uzi, minigun...
Super sheep - this is the best weapon ever made for worms-like games
btw I must say to developers, this is great game
it has minor bugs, but it is very very good
more weapons and it will be good as worms...
Stanko's place
This game is really looking nice. Keep up the good work!
I think a weapon that fires continuously for a short time would be really cool. Maybe like a minigun or a laser. If the enemy moves as you fire you would need to change your aim at them.
If this is not a a good idea, then maybe something like a flak gun from unreal tournament? This gun shot had a spreadfire attack. It could be simplified to shoot maybe three shells in one shot.
Also, from what other people have said, i think that a jetpack would be really useful.
Results: Mingun or uzi-3 votes, RDE- 2 votes, Holy grenade- 3 votes, jetpack- 3 votes, super sheep & sheep: 4 votes (I vote for it), Banana bomb- a lot of votes. Guess those are the winners so far...
Sorry? "If the enemy moves as you fire". exvagabond, it's not Quake or Unreal Tournament, this game is turn-based.
As I said before, Worms had never been action only game, it's also a strategy game. That's why in my opinion those ideas are silly.
Here, I agree.
XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253
I think he meant like in worms, where you can change your aim a little while shooting with uzi or minigun (it lasts second or two)
Stanko's place
Oh, I see.
XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253
+1 for Jetpack and Banana Bomb.
I need Jetpack !!!
holy grenade with "alleluja" song!

+ Molotov Cocktail
I think the hellish bomb is the equivalent of holy grenade!Anyway, I read that in 0.9.7 there are some super weapons that can be found only in crates, what kind of weapons are?
Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V
Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first
An airplane that throws cluster bombs instead of normal explosives, the bombs explode while they are on the air and spread, so there is a wider damage area.
actually, I was playing against uncorr, and he said that the melon bomb and the hellish hand grenade are those weapons...
i think in new version develors must add new element to battle menu ( % drop rate - boxes with weapons;] because 1 box in 5 rounds... its too small. )
Prod, or for hedgewars, poke.
Jetpack, NEEDED!!
Concrete turkey
Poison bomb
Something like salvation army...
Fat kid strike style wepon too!
I want to see a machinegun, like the uzi from worms.
An the Molotov-Cocktail!
The machinegun should have 25 shoots, every hit should have 5HP damage and the machinegun should disperse, so that not every shoot hits.
Molotov-Cocktail - it's the right choice

I think that we need some artifacts (falling from sky like health/weapons box)
for example "Quad Damage" for the next shot, or Invisibility for next 3 turn, or something like this...
Watermelon Airstrike
And we need Fake-Airboxes!!
This idea is good, but it inspired me with an idea that's more fair; "Gemini."
Heres what my weapon would do, and in order:
Firstly, Damage the Hog activating it 5 HP
Secondly, Damage it a further 50%
Then create a Hog in the position you selected (Much like the UFO or Airstrke cursor pointer thing) with the same value of health as what the Hog has.
Hog1 - 100Health
Hog1 - 95Health
Hog1 - 47Health
Spawn HogClone
HogClone - 47Health
It could create fun games
Added after 1 minuts 39 seconds:
And this is also a great idea. But double damage, not quad. You'd destroy the whole map with 1 watermelon bomb if you had Quad.
Jet pack definitely.
Seconded. Or a weapon that allows you to elevate yourself alot easier, rather than just rope...
Don't you speak about rope like that! JPs are the least useful items i remember from worms. Also you can't drop dynamite with that.
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lol, okay, rope is sexy, but I still think we need a more 'special' method of elavation, like a jet pack or super jump!
Supersheep - it was one of my favourite weapons in worms
Longbow - making bridges is really helpful
Some of the basic weapons:
SMG, Sniper Rifle, Molotov Cocktail, Gas Grenade, Napalm for example.
Or a special sniper weapon, that you only can collect, because it is a extreme powerful laserbeam, which can kill two hedges in a row.:cool:
CU, Sauer2
I think some equivalent of the Super Sheep is definitely needed.
DEagles can kill 4+ on the bamboo plinko map
But still, we do need something in the sense of molotov cocktail/Sticky bomb.
A drill bomb would be helpful.
It could be dropped immediately in front of the hedgehog and dig a vertical hole down through the land mass.
After the drill bomb penetrates one layer of land, it could then detonate on the next land surface or player it contacts.
A bazooka size explosion would be fair.
This weapon would be essential to attack hedgehogs beneath you in a single turn, otherwise, it would take at least two turns to open up a firing path with a bazooka. Shotguns can accomplish this task in one turn, but only on thin bridges. Watermelons are tricky for this purpose.
From the Worms series, I really miss the jetpack and laser sight (for lining up gun shots).
Wow, I love this idea!
Change the detonation method to activate when space is pressed again, like the cake or pickhammer, for example.
This isn't trying to be worms btw, but I agree with having a jetpack, but hell no to the laser sight, it's too easy..
A heli-cap instead of jet pack, lol. And no lazer. Cause i use a sheet of paper to aim, so i don't relly need it:P.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Heli-Cap, oh yeah!
Paper, Sad, but a somewhat clever method. :P
As of 0.9.8 you will be required to have a webcam installed to play the game, whilst you play there will be a real person monitoring you at all times. If they should see a piece of paper, you'll be banned from the server and a squad of hedgetroopers will be breaking through your skylight within the hour.
Ha-ha oh wow! Well i don't have skylight but some metal bumble bee (symbolizing mah family) on the roof. Happy landing, lol.
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!
Lawl, I refuse to have a webcam! Nobody'd like to see my ugly mug anyways. xD
This is a super quick mock-up of a drill bomb.
A drill rocket would be awsome as well. The angle that the rocket hits the terrain (fired like a bazooka), is the angle that the drill rocket would dig into the land, and later detonate. I think Worms had similar weapons - moles? Mole launcher? I didn't care for them because they dug at strange angles and had weak explosions.
I like the helicap idea. Whatever the appearance, a controlled propulsion device would be awesome.
In honour of DrDickens, could we have a "sheet of paper sight"? Like a fullscreen PNG image of a cartoon hand holding a sheet of paper that you could tilt with the arrow keys?
Drill bomb is a awesome idea, for an extra pickup, causing so much damage as Dynamite.
I'm looking at how unc0rr creates/adds new weapons on fireforge. It's my first experience with pascal.
I will try to code a weapon of my own pretty soon. uncOrr is awesome.
I want to make a tank that sprouts up like the cake weapon, rolls accross the land for a short distance, fires some single clusters (5 maybe?) and explodes. I will call it the Mini Tank or Tank Strike.
"Tank Strike" -- No.
Wouldn't just "Tank" be fine?
Good luck with that, btw.
Isin't the same thing that the Mole Bomb(Worms Armagedon)?
Yep. Like rope, rifle, bazooka and everything else. Why would people always compare?
БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!